Tuesday, January 29, 2008

#2200-To Urban Rhegius in Celle (Zelle)

To the highly revered brother in the LOrd, Urban Rhegius the upright and faithful servant of Christ in Celle in Saxony.
Grace and peace in Christ who is our peace and our consolation. I am not very grieved,my dear Urban, that you are suffering an angel of Satan and a thorn in the flesh. Since thereby I acknowledge that you are being conformed similarly to the image of the Son of God and all the saints. And I hold therefore that you and all other brothers in high positions experience this temptation which should humble us. Therefore " be consoled and undismayed and exalt in the LOrd" (Psalm 27:14),as Paul says (2 Cor.12:9): "My stength is made powerful in weakness."He Who called us is faithful and will fully keep us unto that Day, Amen. This LOrd I belong to and have comfort as much as the LOrd grants. I have said that you are to be comforted and know that you alone are not afflicted. It is just the same way with the entire brotherhood which is in the world. We must all the other support and be supported. So Christ bears us all from the beginning of the world to the end. We cannot always be firm and strong nor always weak and fragile but it will be as He blows, where and when He wills, so that through these changes He instructs us that if were always strong we would become proud or if we were to be always weak despair. "HE knows our frame",says David (Ps. 103:14)"and that we are dust," and then it is best when we confess that we are entirely of dust and out of dust our frame is constituted.
But why do I talk so much over against you who is Christ's very own? Only that one brother must address the other and one extend the hand to the other in valley of tears until that Day breaks which we await. Greet respectfully your worthy Prince, whom I wish happiness (God is my witness) in the Spirit, who loves the Scripture, and pray for great blessings on him and us all may be increased by the Father of mercy, Amen. Be it right well with in the LOrd and pray for me a sinner at the same time also.Wittenberg on the day of St. David (30 Dec.)1535. Your Martin Luther.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Friedrich Myconius

Birthplace: Lichtenfels, Germany
Died: 7-Apr-1546
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Religion: Lutheran
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Religion

Nationality: Germany
Executive summary: German Lutheran theologian

Lutheran divine, born on the 26th of December 1490, at Lichtenfels on the Main, of worthy and pious parents, whose family name, Mecum, gave rise to proud uses of the word as it appears in various places in the Vulgate, whereas Myconius, from the island Myconus, was a proverb for meanness. His schooling was in Lichtenfels and at Annaberg, where he had a memorable encounter with the Dominican, Johann Tetzel, his point being that indulgences should be given pauperibus gratis. His teacher, Staffelstein, persuaded him to enter (July 14, 1510) the Franciscan cloister. That same night a pictorial dream turned his thoughts towards the religious standpoint which he subsequently reached as a Lutheran. From Annaberg he passed to Franciscan communities at Leipzig and Weimar, where he was ordained priest (1516); he had endeavored to satisfy his mind with scholastic divinity, but next year his "eyes and ears were opened" by the theses of Martin Luther, whom he met when Luther touched at Weimar on his way to Augsburg. For six years he preached his new gospel, under difficulties, in various seats of his order, lastly at Zwickau, from where he was called to Gotha (August 1524) by Duke John at the general desire. Here he married Margaret Jäcken, a lady of good family. He was intimately connected with the general progress of the reforming movement, and was especially in the confidence of Luther. Twice he was entrusted (1528 and 1533) with the ordering of the churches and schools in Thuringia. In all the religious disputations and conferences of the time he took a leading part. At the Convention of Smalkald (1537) he signed the articles on his own behalf and that of his friend Justus Menius. In 1538 he was in England, as theologian to the embassy which hoped to induce Henry VIII on the basis of the Augsburg Confession, to make common cause with the Lutheran reformation; a project which Myconius caustically observed might have prospered on condition that Henry was allowed to be pope. Next year he was employed in the cause of the Reformation in Leipzig. Not the least important part of his permanent work in Gotha was the founding and endowment of its gymnasium. In 1541 his health was failing, but he lived until the 7th of April 1546. He had nine children, four of whom were living in 1542. Though he published a good many tracts and pamphlets, Myconius was not distinguished as a writer. His Historia reformationis, referring especially to Gotha, was not printed until 1715.

Wife: Margaret Jäcken (nine children)

#2198-To Friedrich Myconius in Gotha

Herr Friedrich Myconius, the faithful servant of the Church in Gotha.
Grace and peace in Christ! We are sending back to you your Johann whom you called and selected and we also have examine and publicly before our congregation ordained with prayer and praise to be your co-servant and constituted by the command of our Prince although D.Pommer was not willing to do so as he holds that each one should be ordained in his congregation by his elders. That will finally happen when this new matter and ordination has deeper roots and the custom becomes firmer. We commend him to you as he is worthy. And pray for us as we do for you. Here there is nothing new. Be it well with you all in Christ. Midweek after Lucia (15 December)Anno 1535.
If he again needs a witness it will be enough if given by you after he has for sometime administered the office. Your Martin Luther.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

#2197-Melanchthon to Luther

To Doctor Martin Luther
We hope that the situation of the Prince with King Ferdinand has been resolved since Franz (Franz Burkard of Weimar) has in his letter has written very exuberantly. The Prince has writen the very same to Brueck. I,however, have seen the intrigue of Faber;however, I would hear more from Franz whom I expect today with the arrival of the Prince. Antonius, the Englishman, has arrived but I have not yet greeted him since I have been at an examination of the Anabaptists. We disputed five articles. They maintain that there is no sin in small children; it is not permitted for a Christian to administer an authoritative office or to administer an oath; they teach that all properties are common; they forbid marriage between an Anabaptist and a non-Anabaptist. These things I have exposed that they may be overcome. Greet in my name your honorable wife, D. Jonas and D.Pommer. Jena on the day of Nicholas (6 Dec.)1535.
Recently I have written to Jonas on the situation with Antonius Musa.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

#2196-Elector Johann Friedrich to Luther

At the outset, our greetings. Honorable and celebrated, dear devout one! after K(ing)
W(orthy) of England has now sent his messengers to us, who also in the previous eight days arrived in Erfurt, and took care of various matters, as you no doubt have understood from Doctor Antonius, the Englishman, who was temporarily in Wittenberg and although the above messenger named above, was to take care of the matters with you and other theologians and complete the discussions; because it did not happen and because at this time our University is now at Jena, the place of Philippus Melancthon is nearby we think that such discussions could take place at this time in no better and quieter place because we are nearby Jena where the same maybe be undertaken: so it is our gracious request that you beneficially take care of matters at Jena and with Master Philip and other theologians be ready to enter discussion with the above named messengers and we have also Doctor Antonius invited to the same discussions and also hereby also have written to our Landvoigt in Saxony, Hans Metzchen to order for you such wagons and horses and also remuneration that you might without hindrance come to the place. May you reply to our letter with a good reply and do that which is pleasing to us. Dated at Schneeberg on the Monday of Nicholas (6 Dec.) 1535.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Verres and Dionysius


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or Latomiae. A name properly denoting a quarry, and derived from the Greek laas, “a stone,” and temnô, “to cut” or “quarry.” This appellation was particularly applied to certain quarries near Syracuse, one of which still bears the name of “The Ear of Dionysius,” because it is said to have been used by that tyrant for a prison, and to have been so constructed that all the sounds uttered in it converged to and united in one particular point, termed, in consequence, the tympanum. This point communicated with an apartment (the famous “Ear of Dionysius”), where Dionysius placed himself, and thus overheard all that was said by his unsuspecting captives. There is no doubt that these quarries actually served as places of imprisonment, and Cicero reproaches Verres with having employed them for this purpose in the case of Roman citizens ( Verr. v. 27). Aelian informs us that some of the workmen in the quarries near Syracuse remained so long there as to marry and rear families in them, and that some of their children, having never before seen a city, were terrified on their coming to Syracuse, and beholding for the first time horses and oxen (Aelian, V. H. xii. 44). See Carcer, p. 278

Thursday, January 17, 2008

#2195-To Melanchthon in Jena

To M. Philipp Melanchthon, the faithful disciple of Christ,his very dear brother who is living in Jena.

Grace and peace in the LOrd! Since Doctor Antonius is coming I have nothing that I can write; from his oral report you will learn everything what is here and what preceded. Now you will observe that the emissary is both proved to be a worthy colleague and disputer for the honor of our King and our Prince. I am very happy that Doctor Antonius is free of his anxious care. I had also begun to think it very bad that the other emissary delayed. It is likely that his disposition was moved because he knows what a betrayer, thief, robber and the devil himself the Herr Cardinal, the Pope and their emissaries are. Would to God they had more kings of England who would murder them! With these words the Legate, Paul Vergerius answered me here: Hem! "I know" the King of England killed the Cardinals and the Bishops, however etc.Then he threaten the King with the moving of the hands, and knashing of the teeth with terrible things like the Emperor had previously suffered ,to be sure, not with open words but as he bit his lips. "There is a scoundrel in the skin, yes in the heart". The LOrd grant that you also believe this. "Pfaff Albrecht in Halle took away the Abbot's staff in Zinna and the Monstranzens in Juterbock with many other vessels" with with the greatest of devotion while putting down sealed letters from him in their place. One says that that shepherd staff (pedum) of the Abbot and the Monstranz amounted to a large sum. It is truly worthy that he has become Cardinal since with his gifts he can compete with all the Cardinals and will shortly overtake them if he is allowed. Now also in Rome they have stripped, also in Italy, in all the churches the altars,masses, revenues, and jewels and nevertheless require with all severity the Masses and all the worship services (cultus) of the Church. You think that Verres and Dionysius did something awesome, if you believe Cicero ,but now one highly-honorable Cardinal of the Holy Catholic Church has become an hundred Verres, a thousand Dionysius not only in heart but does so publicly and unashamed in obvious works. "How do the Lords and Princes permit this" ,they who with their transgressions are afflicting the church with rape! We are waiting for you to come back and if a rumor comes to you bear it and set it aside. We hope that even if there should be some sort of epidemic (instead of this scythian heaven) nevertheless to have pure air. "It must be otherwise signalled if it is the Pest; everywhere men are born and die. "We all must not continue to live on this earth otherwise we will not come over there." My lord Kaethe greets you respectfully and often thinks about you and you see to it that you do not stir me to jealousy since you have one as I who can be vengeful. Be it right well with you in the LOrd and greet Lord Caspar Cruciger and pray for me. Anno 1536 (1535). Your Martin Luther.

NOTES: Ever since Jonas and Melanchthon left Wittenberg with the students because of the plague ML has been trying to convince them and everyone that it hasn't been as bad a rumored.
The year ends and a new one begins for ML in December.
Editors think Antonius was anxious over the delay in the arrival of another emissary.
As always I do not often understand the use of quotation marks in these letters.
Will check on Cicero's evaluation of Verres and Dionysius.

Monday, January 14, 2008

#2191-To the Council in Frankfurt

Honorable, discreet Lord, Mayor and Council of the city of Frankfurt,my favored Lords and good Friends,

Grace and peace. Perceptive, dear Lords! I have upon receiving your writing written with eagerness to M.Johann Cellarius and am wishing very much for many reasons that he would again be with you in Frankfurt. What he will do, however, I do not know and if he should fail to do so, I would also be glad to find an able and talented man for your city and faithfully thereto help as much as I can. However, by us there is an absolute shortage and those developing are quite immature (as St.Paul says) and pure novices and are not to be entrusted with such great churches with so little experience. You yourself well learned what the danger is to put such people in such great churches who though they boast much and are learned enough but yet have the Geel (yellow ?) on the beak, will listen to no one when they gain adherents who must be rightly borne in mind as present in such a great community as the emergency as recently taught us. To serve you according to my ability I am willing and ready. Herewith be commended to God,Amen. Day Clement (23 November) 1535.
NOTE: Indeed yellow is used of young fledgling birds-Gelbschnabel. Thanks to Luther Index for the info.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dom Saalhof, Frankfurt

#2190-To the Preachers in Frankfurt

To the highly-resepctable and worthy men, the faithful servants of the church in Frankfurt, in the LOrd his very dear brothers.

Grace and peace in Christ! I ahve received your letter and your writing which you have delivered to the Council, worthy men. What I should say I am uncertain up to this day as well as to the circumstance of your church and to the will of the Council. I thought that Cellarius was expelled and Dionysius dismissed and I saw that you all were not yet united: my uncertainty is so great that I cannot as the decision-judge amongst you nothing ascertain. In fact your admonishment to the Council which is very strong will accomplish the same result as I understand your from your letters.
What should I advise whether they (as you say) might not perform what you teach? Let them do what they can or want to therefore. I have the suspicion in reference to many,also in other places, who after the Gospel is lost and the church-servants expelled nevertheless want to know how to preserve the desired freedom of the Gospel.That is, the world wants to be papistic (papistare) and Epicurish while despising of the religions of every people.The Papists scorn the Pope himself through the Gospel except they give the appearance, as it were, with others in mind,that they honor the Pope , as it were, in a mask-play of the theatre. Again they despise the Gospel and, to be sure, under a different appearance: but I purchased a house, I have taken a wife, I cannot come. What can one do here except to let the impure remanin impure and those who err and let the deceivers be angry?"They want it to be so."Deal faithfully, and rescue, as Jude says, those you can, as it were, out of the fire; those whom you cannot let burn and don't be troubled about the same. What more can you do unless you also want to be torn apart?You cannot bring the whole lot to Christ but only the first fruits and a Remnant or the external part of the ear as Amos (Ch.2:12) says.Be it right well with you in Christ and if it pleases you, write once again of the situation of your church; but if it does not please you, it will not vex me because I have not set my hope for the Gospel on Frankfurt. Given in Wittenburg on the 10th day of November,Anno 1535. Your Martin Luther,D.
NOTE: This is a second letter of ML on his 52nd birthday.
Evidently,"I bought a house etc., I cannot come..." is a reference to the refusals in Christ's parable of the great feast refusals.
I could not make out or find the reference in Amos. The Editors say 2:12.Amos 3:12 does read:"Thus says the Lord; as a shepherd takes out of the mouth of a lion two legs,or a piece of an ear; so shall the children of Israel be taken out who dwell in Samaria..." Guess we caught a misprint?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

#2189-To Justus Jonas

Grace and peace! I thank you for the hare and birds, good Jonas. I have all too much that I could write but I am sluggish and the matters are too wide ranging for me to write to you about before my other projects. Of that Kupplerin (?Procuress-Brothel Madam) I have written. What will happen I do not know but I hope she will be taken out of the city.
The Legate of the Roman Pope appared very suddenly in this city. Now he is with the Markgraf; the man must fly, not ride. Would to God that you were present there.He invited me and Pommer to breakfast as I declined mealtime in the evening at the bath.I came and have eaten with him at the castle.What I have said I cannot write to anyone. I have during the entire table-time presented Luther himself and the emissary of Enland Antoninus, whom he likewise invited I have (as that one will write to you) played with all too morose (verdriessliicissimis) words. More on this orally.
The Frankfurters have written complaining that they are pressured by the Archbishop of Mainz again to restore the Masses and ceremonies. In all these things I have needed your presence. However I am forced to bear theses and be responsible during which the Pest (that is, the devil)rejoices) that they through one or two death
have kept us separate. God guard and preserve His Word.
I am sending you the letter of Augustin, the pastor of Colditz in which the disruptive sect of the Epicureans may be seen under these boastings but nevertheless whom God will avenge when he despises. I am also sending the Dolzigsche eloquence.
About the fortunate trip of our Prince to Prague you need have no doubt. That Brueck is in Jena Philippus has already written three times. Likely it is Bleikard. Since he is with the Prince and matters and persons have gotten mixed up because Brueck was previously sick and Bleikard as gone with the Prince as though he were Brueck.
My lord Kaethe greets you and all of yours but she continues her reading (of the Bible see #2183) although the tragic- play of this Kupplerin (see below) has robbed her of eight days. And about the purchase of the canvass she answers that you can easily empathize what what she would do in this hazardous case at the same time in great hope and permission to again begin the lecture and to lose the fear of the situation. Greet all of yours. On the day before Martin (10 November)Anno 1535. Your Martin Luther.

NOTES: ML doesn't mention that November 10,1535 is the day of his 52nd birthday.
Augustin Himmel is the pastor of Colditz.
Bleikard is likely D.Bleikard Sindringer.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

#2188-To Leonhard Beier in Zwickau

Grace and peace in Christ! It would perhaps be best if you would decline the marriage
case as I am accustomed to do, if I can. Thus says Christ:"Let the dead bury their dead". "If the jurists want to be wise, let it be on their conscience; what are we asking from their Scheisshaus",(anyone need a translation?) we who are proclaiming an eternal kingdom? We counsel the conscience, we don't give the law so that perhaps people can be saved who are in danger having done something against the law. For this reason yield in this case and let them do what they want. What do we have to do with their judgment court, we who teach everything according to the conscience judgment court? Yet to the peasants, who everywhere ridicule the Gospel while they are glad for its freedom, I might also forbid (marriage) in the tenth degree or rather in prison(?) (Gefaengniss).There is nothing therefore conceded to conscience by those who do not permit themselves to be bound by conscience."Let the peasants come under the jurists and remain so",Amen.

I am sending a copy of the articles about which you write. The Papists have made everywhere a strange thing out of these articles but their boasting will turn to shame.M. Philipp has not made published them and a great injustice has been done to him and moreso to the Elector and to us all; it gives the appearance that they likely have put together several of the writings of M.Philipp. Well enough! The devil has often been deceived; who whether he also might have this time been deceived which I do not doubt. Given on 2 Nov. 1535. Martin Luther.
NOTE: I was wondering if there are still 16th century outhouses standing in Germany.
Melanchthon's articles are in Vol.xix,p.640.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Former California Concordia College, Oakland, CA

California Concordia College, Oakland, Cal.: Opened 1906, closed June 1973.

Photos taken January 5, 2008:


#2107-To Bernhard,Pastor in Dinkelsbuehl

To Bernhard, the plain Pastor in the church in Dinkelsbuehl (Dunkelspulensi).
Grace and peace in the LOrd! A brother in the LOrd has brought me your letter and at the same time the question about a certain woman afflicted by the devil,my dear Pastor, and although I am forced to reply very briefly since I am burdened with such a great amount of activities, yet I wanted to answer you since the bearer of this letter, Theobald Diedelhuber,is one whom I want to recommend to you.
First, your congregation with you must powerfully pray and stand firm against Satan as he also puts forth stubborn resistance. We have in this region for ten years suffered a very angry devil and we finally have prevailed in binding him with continued prayer and undoubting faith. The same will also happen with you when you carry on with despising in Christ that derisive and proud spirit and do not cease to pray. I have by this procedure suppressed many spirits in many places because the prayer of the church finally gets the upper hand. Thus you should not doubt that you truly and heartily pray that spirit will be humbled.
Secondly, you take careful consideration that there is not some of deception perpetrated by this little woman so that you all will not be derided. I have in my experience ( to say nothing of what I have read in books) found such deception so that my simplicity resulted in great disgrace. This spirit desires ( as is his custom from the beginning) when he through a woman made the Adam a fool though he could not make him godless although he still very much desired that. In sum, as it always has been and always will be it might be in this woman or in others whom you admonish he may be an Incubus, a Succubus (Buhlteufel) clothed in evry sort of monstrous forms but yet we know he is a devil. Thus we must not be reconciled to either his speaking or his deeds nor yet accept his matters and spirit but battle against him in faith and prayer. He lives, whom he crucified. However, again the Crucified has triiumphed over the crucifier so that we in Him may also triumph. Be it well with you in the LOrd. Wittenberg, the second of November Anno 1535. Martin Luther.
Note: Incubus and Succubus are devilish seducers of women and men respectively.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

#2185-To Justus Jonas

Grace and peace in Christ! Doctor Christian Baur has departed this life some eight days previously. Thus writes Philippus. The sickness was a fever in which a cough and an effusion of dampness (stillicidium) which traveled from the head to the chest. I am sending the letter. Brueck is not in Prague as you will read in the letter from Philippus. We have not yet learned anything about the Austrian trip. Last Sunday the Pest ravished our best citizens with damaging force. Now there is peace again as it was before the Pest. Also my chest suffered from a salty dampness (stillicidium)and now and then some coughing. Beyond that I have nothing (to write). I am wondering where the Papal Legate is or where he might have gone and also about the entire Council since such a great silence exists. Greet your entire fmaily (carnem) and pray for us. On the Day of Simon and Jude (28 October).
I am busy with thoughts about the verses for the theses against the Private-Masses like 1 Cor.13:2 and several other verses for the article on justification. My Lord Kaethe greets you who tills acres,feeds cattle and buys, brews etc.. Between these activities she has also taken up reading the Bible with the promise of 50 Gulden if she finishes the same before Easter;"there is great earnestness". Now she is reading the fifth book of Moses. On the Day of Simon and Jude (28 October) Anno 1535. Your Martin Luther.
NOTE: Looks like the deceased is Christian Bayer a counselor of the Elector.
The Elector traveled to Vienna to receive a land-use privilege.
Looks like there are variants as to the dampness; sulsum,falsum with the Editors adopting salsum=salty?