Friday, January 25, 2008

#2198-To Friedrich Myconius in Gotha

Herr Friedrich Myconius, the faithful servant of the Church in Gotha.
Grace and peace in Christ! We are sending back to you your Johann whom you called and selected and we also have examine and publicly before our congregation ordained with prayer and praise to be your co-servant and constituted by the command of our Prince although D.Pommer was not willing to do so as he holds that each one should be ordained in his congregation by his elders. That will finally happen when this new matter and ordination has deeper roots and the custom becomes firmer. We commend him to you as he is worthy. And pray for us as we do for you. Here there is nothing new. Be it well with you all in Christ. Midweek after Lucia (15 December)Anno 1535.
If he again needs a witness it will be enough if given by you after he has for sometime administered the office. Your Martin Luther.

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