(From the last three paragraphs)
If there were no other sufficient proof for you that we are called to the kingdom of God and elect, and have the Word of God in truth, this one would be enough that we are by so many sects attacked which arise again and again, some also coming forth from us, to say nothing of the Papists and the particular(privata) war of Satan, and also the despising of the Word by some of ours. However we are not better than the Apostles and Prophets, nor even our LOrd Himself.
It is certain (constanter) written that Caesar, the French, and the Venetian are united with their fleets against the Turks and that there will be a fortunate beginning on the sea against the great enemy. God give His blessing and benediction,Ps.20). The proposed Vicenza Council has completely fallen away. The Pope leads a good life in Rome and endeavors, legally and illegally, to enrich and exalt his own, in that those whose properties are desired by his sons die valiantly or are poisoned. Rome is impossibly bad unless God some sort of acceptance of the Reformation is considered by the same; finally the wrath of God will come on the same.
My lordess Kaethe greets you and also my daughter the little Margaretha, for whom you are the god-parent, whom upon my death you will procure some sort of suitable suitor. I write nothing about myself than that you might pray for me that the LOrd will free me from the fist punches and thorns of the angel of Satan and give to me a good hour of departure according to His will when I from this body (materia) am delivered. The LOrd be with you and greet your lordess from me and our Kaethe. On the Sunday after the raising of the cross (15 Sept) 1538. Your Martin Luther.
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