Wednesday, June 20, 2012

#2412-T0 Princess Margaretha of Anhalt, mother Wolfgang. Grace and peace in Christ Jesus, our LOrd and Savior. Illustrious Princess,gracious Frau! It has been indicated to me, also through EFG's loving son, m.g. Lord and Prince Wolfgang etc. by writing, that it would right after all that I should have written a consolation letter to EFG. However, it has been until now prevented without my intention or will. Well then, bygones are bygones! Now however EFG from our dear Father in heaven, Who made and gave us body and soul,and thereafter through His dear Son Jesus Christ again saved us from the fall and death of Adam, and through His Holy Spirit has given in our hearts the hope of everlasting life has laid a fatherly visitation of illness about which EFG should not be troubled but receive such visitation with thankfulness. Because EFG at this time acknowledges and knows that all who believe on the Son of the Father cannot die forever as He Himself says:"Who believes on Me will not die and though he die, yet he lives",John11:25, and St. Paul says, Rom.14:8:"Whether live or die, we are the Lord's". (v.7)"No one lives to hismelf and no one dies to himself," but alone to Him Who died for us. Therfore we who believe on Him should be comforted because we are not alone of ourselves but whose who for us died. Are we now sick it is not we who are sick; are we in need, it is not we who are in need ;are we joyful it is not we who are joyful. In sum, it is not up to us how it goes but His who died for us and made us His own. Like unto a child who is sick and suffers need has parents who suffer more than he himself; it concerns the parents much more than the child because he is not his but the parents'. Therefore EFG should be consoled whether it be life, sickness,infirmity or death and not doubt that EFG is not herself experincing it but His Who has redeemed her together with us through His blood and death on Whom we believe also and not in such faith do not die, although it is like dying, but live, also not are sick though it is like sickness but we are healthy in Christ in Whom all are healthy,fresh, living and blessed who according to the flesh are thought to be sick, dead and lost. He is almighty on Whom we believe.Such comfort and knowledge the dear God bestow on EFG's heart until that blessed day, to Whom I herewith commend faithfully EFG ,Amen. Mid-week after Epiphany (9Jan) 1538. EFG's willing, M.Luther.

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