Saturday, June 23, 2012

#2415-To Justus Jonas in Zerbst

You do right,my dear Jonas, in writing to me you are so zealous. And you are not less good in like-mindedness in bearing my neglect which does not result from my indolence but as you know:(Carmina proveniunt animo deducta serena)songs arise not meant for cheerful hearts.My brain is in weariness of thinking so that I can almost neither write, do or might or can. But Christ lives, the Triumphant One and Depriver of the one who rules the air (Eph.2:2); to Whom be glory forever,Amen. In Him be it right well with you and pray for me. Mid-week after Purification of Mary (6Feb.)1538. Your Martin Luther. NOTA BENE: Weimar sees Latin from Ovid's Tristia 1,1,39 the English of which is"Fine spun verses come from a tranquil mind, my days are clouded by sudden miseries." A translation of the German was given to me by Agnes who was given it by a friend. Thanks. Seems a bit different than the Latin. What do you think?

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