Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2317-Conrad Cordatus to Luther
In great extremity to D.Martin Luther.
Grace with God the Father through Christ!
The more I deal with you, honorable father, with writing and speaking about this situation the more I am disturbed and anguished in my outlook and conscience since by you and the college of theologians, to whom I appealed, do not appear to silence this foolish causa sine qua non (indispensable cause or factor). But with others in the streets cry out. Since the students are talking one to another: without me the justification cannot happen since it is necessary that he must be who is justified. Similarly , if Peter does not exist, he cannot be justified and thus it clear that in some sort of way man is the cause of his justification. And these eloquent men not even having seen one book of Augustine draw on the words of Augustine: “He created you without you” etc. Therein one can truly see the work of Satan. Then when have we at any time heard that these people were occupied in speaking about this Article on justification and in earlier years they were, to be sure, like-minded and purely taught? Now, however, through the words of Philippus and without good cause (sine rebus) they have become orators but without cause and with words have become theologians and as if more learned than others. On account of this they think that with necessity they can speak of causa sine qua non and in a fitting way as no one before and praise the same in the greatest way. It is astonishing that he (Melanchthon) should want to fight on the side of such people as master teachers and youthful talents rather than be taught, learn and believe! It appears therefore, what concerns my situation there is nothing that remains but that I plead with for the sake of Christ that you now report to me what is the position on this situation and this I plead with you now in the name of the collegiate of theologians of whom you are the Decan and with whom I have so often dealt with this matter and prayed that a righteous and fitting end to it be provided. Concerning this matter I did not complain as a private person from the time when D.Cruciger permitted this as an open question but I have dealt with you as with the college of all theologians who at the time in Wittenberg were like-minded confessors and teachers of the article on justification and that was not in a corner or as table companions or with those who agreed (arrisores) but before God and all men. Further (this I say confidently) if you think it is not necessary that you write then I will go farther on the beginning way and that, what I previously did before all who were concerned in private I will hereafter do in every way and by every means act so that pure and certain truth of the faith endures. And it would not frighten me if you all were to say that I am being too narrow about this your discord to comprehend or to know so that I can get hold of it then you are saying of me with complete truth and comprehend what I myself hold in my heart; but I that at time an ass spoke to only one man who was sent to speak evil to the harm of the people of God and there was no one else who had made objection. Yes, God has pressed upon me this single lecture in theology and rules this my situation and according to that it goes slowly forward. However, I will not rest until all the pushers of this matter unto the last ones who have had their day according to the measure of my faith that I have through the spirit of Christ (I can do nothing else) and spoken against and will not desist until Christ is publicly glorified as previously through the preaching of faith so that that causa sine qua non is taken out of the article on justification, from the article of justification, I say; otherwise they may always say and poetize persuading whatever they can; they deny Christ or at least make salvation, which is through Christ, doubtful, that is, destroy it (nullam facit). And so finally many hearts will be revealed and come to the light of day whether the Wittenbergers are of one mind apart from intrigues of philosophy, rhetoric and sophistry, being true to this that faith alone justifies and what you in Augsburg seemed to maintain without this causa sine qua non and apart the other distinction and it will become obvious whether yet to this day you are true to that Confession; likewise whether the Loci (of Melanchthon) will be refuted (what Erasmus seems to have written) and which was published this year several times by Herr Philippus. This and all else which I would gladly pass over would be made known through this causa sine qua non. This (causa sine qua non) is an evil cancerand words of empty chatter and many questions diverted by which all who are too secure in their faith come to fall from the edification of God which comes through faith. Finally, in addition, I say this to D.Creuciger: It may be all too much or nothing I will take my position before all and in the face of D.Creuciger raise a new complaint and to be sure one very brief since it can in way be permitted that that cancer be further instilled in the healthy flesh of Christ. Be it well with you, honorable father and consider my unnecessary chatter (vel lanam caprinam) for the good which I before and other clear theologians based on my faith or if the truth is otherwise shown make it known without delay so that the judgment may certainly result in victory.
From Niemeck on the 6th of December, Conrad Cordatus, Magister (Mgr) and Licentiat of Theology.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dad! Well, fixed the comments...sort of...I don't know why mine has "[links]" and yours doesn't. I also turned off the email link thing because it shows two, now. Mine does that too, so I turned it off for mine, too. I might figure out both of those issues, but not tonight...If you want to turn the email thing back on, just go into your Settings, under the Basic's a ways down...

Anonymous said...

I like it. Thanks. Hope the night is quiet. Dad

Matt said...

Two whole blessedly quiet evenings. In a row. The only sound I hear is an adult walking around once in awhile. I can live with that.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know if it matters...but I figured out the links...had to enable them in your Settings! (Duh on me...)

Now those email things...hmmm...