Saturday, January 09, 2010


309-To Else Agricola in Eisleben (summarized in the St. Louis Edition)
Luther expresses his joy that she again wants to return to Wittenberg and hopes she
Will bring her husband along.

#2310-The Nuernberg Council to the Decan (Luther) and theological faculty in Witt-
enberg. (Summarized in the St. Louis Edition)
Andreas Osiander has renewed his opposition to private-absolution and the Nuernberg
Council has requested the opinion of Melanchton as he traveled through there. And which
He had also given a written opinion on October 22,1536. Yet because of the importance
Of the case he also wanted have advice from others. For this reason the Council requests
That the faculty inquire of him wherein Herr Andreas Osiander has a problem with and to
Give verification from the Holy Scripture of it and give his intention.

32312-To the Council in Saalfeld.
To the honorable, insightful Lords, Mayor and Council in Saalfeld, my favored Lords
And especially good friends.
Grace and peace in Christ. Honorable,perceptive, dear Lords and friends! I hope that
In that I have not answered your previous writing you will understand in a good way.
Apart from the fact I am now old and dull in writing (as I myself must do all the writing)
I thought it not necessary to answer because EF had so well received my appeal and
Completed it regarding Gerard as I had thought and gladly again did my wish. About
Pfreundrs Philip has also written and received one year (stipend) and I thought it good
That he should have another year on the stipend and for the other fellow who in Gerards
Stead was named previously should receive it from the City-council or the general treasury given assistance from a tax as I thought well for you to do since Pfreunder was praised as very talented fellow for juridical studies however EF thought it should be left to whatever you wanted to do as I also yet do too, for me as a theologian ( as I also previously indicated) it is not proper to apply the theological stipends for the jurists.Herein EF will know well how to proceed in a Christian and good way; thereto be commended to God.,Amen. Midweek after Martin (15 Nov.)1536.Martinus Luther,D.

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