Friday, August 14, 2009

#2295-To the Council at Saalfeld

Honorable, perceptive,Mayor and Council in Saalfeld,my favored and good Lords and Friends.
Grace and peace in Christ. Honorable,perceptive,favored Lords and Friends!In the absence of M.Philip I had to open and read your writing and do not want to keep from you that recently the friend of Pfruener, treasurer in Torgau made a written request that I decline the stipend to him for yet another year depending on whether he would remain in the theology studies and that I should bring him before me and inquire about that and it has been done. He has now answered me that he want to stay with the jurist studies;thus my my request to you,as I have told his friend, the treasurer,remains. I do not want and it is not up to me that I, as a theologian, should help by turning over the thological stipend to be used for jurisprudence; I do not say that it cannot be done without my request. Thus I have made Pfruener aware. But because,nevertheless (as I hear) he has talents in jurisprudence and M.Philipp has counseled him about the same you could as Council extend as much as it costs for another year not only because he is a son of your city but because the times are so bad that there is need for talented people. For this reason I also want to appeal to you in a friendly way.

However, because I note from your writing that upon the request of M.Philipp you are extending the stipend for a third year instead of to the other youth Gerard that I cannot approve; since the same Gerard is very pious,and able and gradually accomplishing the studies and requires yet another year of help at least; so I am requesting that has you have promised M.Philipp the stipend for yet a third year and Gerard a stipend for another year for Gerard and equal to that Pfruener who is becoming a jurist. Many good people have appealed to me for Gerard and I cannot refuse them. I hope that you will know well how to proceed. Herewith, be commended to
God,Amen. On the day of Dionysius (9 Oct.) 1536.

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