Friday, August 10, 2007

#2124-To Augustin Himmel,Pastor in Colditz

Grace and peace in Christ! Perhaps you know, my dear Augustine,that the illustrious Prince has given the entire beneficium, which was previously divided between Herr Andreas and my Wolf, to my Wolf alone without anyone supplying him (the Prince?)but contrary to all expectation by his own enactment and his completely gracious willand I believe this has been written to you from the Court to your official. If this has not happened we will either send you the letter,with seal of the Prince, or a trustworthy copy. Therefore I request that you order the offical to send here the entire income from the beneficium. My Wolf will thank you and not without a little present so that you do not guard the grave of Christ for nothing. I would be happy if this good Wolfgang could buy a little house in which (when I die) he can stay since now he is starting to suffer from an illness of the arm so it is necessary for him to have his dwelling so that he does not after my death become a beggar and homeless and must be in a hospital. The man is known to you so it is not necessary for me to plead in many words. Be it well with you with yours and pray for me that a good hour of departure will be granted to me when my powers depart from me. On the Monday after Quasimodogeniti (5 April) Anno 1535.
NOTE: ML's hour will not come until February 1546.

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