Thursday, August 09, 2007

#2122-To the Council of the City of Hannover

To the honorable and wise of the Council and general city Council-herrs of the city of Hannover, my especially good friends.
Grace and peace in Christ. Honorable and wise, especially dear lords and friends!
Your emissary whom you designated has delivered to me your church-ordinances and to the end that the same might be printed I with others have given every effort that the same work might speedily be completed.However your above mentioned emissary conversed with us and he and we think it would be well for it to be printed in Magdeburg and you will have opportunity to know all of our considerations as the emissary reports to you. And since your church-deacon and emissary have indicated to us that by God's grace you have adopted the Christian and Evangelical Doctrine, we want to earnestly appeal to God the LOrd that in your common city and in all the world richly such confession of Christ blesses and favors , and that our dear LOrd Christ give you and all His Holy Spirit, strength and grace that you may remain constant and steadfast in these tricky times and be protected against the poison, splits, and sects of the devil. I am willing to serve you and your common city.Dated at Wittenberg on 3 March Anno Domini 1535. Martinus Luther,D.

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