To the welll-known and worth man,Herr G. Spalatin, archbishop and viistor of Meissen, in the LOrd his very dear brother.
Grace and peace in Christ! Good Spalatin, you are a man of mercifulness and love therefore I ask you please to have concern and help for our Christoph Strobel that in the earliest possible time,and to the first place and in the first instance (as much as you are able) provide some sort of position. He is a good man (as you know)and cannot without harm to his health in that swampy,damp,sniffle inciting region endure since namely he is accustomed and almost by nature constituted to live in a mountainous and healthful air. Yes, neither food nor drink of that place is tolerable or at least for him it cannot be endured. Who knows how long we all here in Wittenberg could endure such unusual food and drink? It is nebvertheless around you at least a way of life which is near to the birds of heaven and therefore a happier manner of life. Those people however, who the fish of the sea or rather the deptsh of the underworld (tartari) are possibly nearer are nourished with a bad food.Now also Herr Hausmann I want to be placed in heavenly air since it is not fitting that in his great age that he yet finally be around a river like the Styx,Acheron,or Cocytus or other sources of harmful vapors (Mephitis) be given either. Advise us and stand with us to provide for these good men, yes, to save them.Greet for me your very dear doe, with your sweet little deer or female deer, and pray for me. On the day of St. Mathias (24 February)1535. Your M.Luther,D.
NOTE: Hausmann was in Dessau. Perhaps Strobel was there or nearby?
The Cocytus was the river of wailing which flowed into the Acheron in Hades.
Hausmann's dates 1478-1538 about ten years older than Luther.
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