Thursday, August 10, 2006

#1964-To Georg, Prince in Anhalt

Grace and peace in Christ! Rightfully I can call you the honor-worthy Bishop (to say nothing of Probst)as well as the renown Prince, worthy and noble Lord,since I see that you alone in all the empire ,especially in such a position and estate ,faithfully and uprightly further the Word of Christ. And it is constantly a marvel to me when I consider and recognize it as a special gift of God that you have in all freedom promoted this doctrine among the people who are your subjects. I do not flatter or joke
(God knows this) but I praise and exalt the grace of Christ who has wonderfully brought this forth in you and made it brilliant. At the same time I pray and hope with all my heart that should there come a time of weakness that this great work begun in your breast will become complete though it may be assailed and hindered very much by manifold onsalughts of Satan, the world and the flesh. However, He has said:"Be comforted, I have overcome the world." If the world is overcome, so also is the Prince of the world overcome, just as when a kingdom is overcome so is the king overcome. Now if the king of the world is overcome, so also his raging,anger,sin,conscience,death,hell and everything overcome whereupon such forces he relied as upon weapons. Therefore, thanks to God who has granted the victory. That
E.F.G. may live in this victory and boast in it until that day I pray and plead with great longing to our Father in heaven.To Whom I commend E,F.G. as earnestly as I can.E.F.G. would regard this boldness in writing for the best since I could not refrain from thanking God in this brief letter and at the same time wish blessing for the gift of God of which I have learned that it has taken root in the breast of such a great Prince. Wittenberg on the Friday after Laetare (28 March) 1533. E.F.G. submissive Martin Luther.
NOTE: The Prince was also the Representative of Magdeburg. (probst)

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