Thursday, June 29, 2006

#1928-To Friedrich, King of Denmark

To the greatly-powerful,most- illustrious Prince and Lord, Friedrich, King in Denmark,Sweden, and Duke in Holstein etc., my most gracious Lord.
Grace and peace in Christ who died for our sins and for our life from death is risen. Most illustrious, most-mighty King,most gracious Lord! E.K.M. should comprehend and see
that God, the right and faithful Judge, would that E.K.M have peace at all times with your cousin, King Christian etc.,and at all times lordly victory give; and although I know that E.K.M. know that best and knows well to thank God and how to exercise the granted victory over E.K.M.'s cousin in a Christian and humble way in the fear of God yet I am moved by the misery or rather mcuh more the sorrow of my good lord King Christiiern and also by concern that E.K.M. might be by several people to be agitated against the imprisoned king and diminish the fear of God; therfore I with this humble (and I hope unnecessary) writing undertake to humbly plead to and admonsih have mercy on your imprisoned cousin and according to the example of Christ who died for us His enemies, though we are not required to die for our enemies, but only to have mercy to them. And although E.K.M.'s cousin was not bound in like trust but came to imprisonment as an enemy yet E.K.M. might deal with him in a cousinly way; much more should E.K.M. do as he (Christiern) has abandoned everything and, (as I hear)and as a lost son is compliant to E.K.M. as his father. Because that is a great humiliation and we are yet in need of the grace before God it is without doubt that E.K.M. would make a noble sacrifice and lordly worship in demonstrating fatherly grace and fatherly faithfulness toward the poor imprisoned man and finally on his death bed E.K.M.would have great consolation by such a work and in heaven a special joy as well as great fame and honor on earth. When a great work in great matters and great people occurs by great persons it gives a lordly light both here on earth with a fine example for all the world and in heaven joy to all the saints and angels and also to the pleasure and desire of the divine majesty. Therefore, my most gracious lord, let E.K.M. make this a fruit of faith, a lorly thankoffering to God,and for the imprisoned consolation and revival, and joy and delight for all of us; thus also would E.K.M. and all who advise the same thankfully acknowledge how inwardly sorrowful he would be if he had done otherwise. Christ, our LOrd and Helper give E.K.M. His rich Spirit herein and in everything to do His divine good-pleasure,Amen.May E.K.M. regard for the good my audacious writing as God Himself
also does and care for one another. In Wittenberg on the Vigil of Michael (28 Sept.)1532. Ew.konigl. Majest. (Your royal majesties) willing D. Martinus Luther.
NOTE: Speaking of death beds I believe that Friedrich died in the following year or 1534.

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