Monday, April 09, 2012

#2406-To Bugie and all interpreters.1537 but no month,day/

Xantes and Muenster and other Hebrew grammarians have faithfully worked and worthy of all thanks, but in opinions follow too much the Rabbis. Grammar is not sufficient to understand the Holy Scriptures. Grammar is something different than the Hebrew language just as the Greek and Latin grammar does not make Greeks and Latins. The Hebrew language also the certain (positiva) grammar with the Jews has in a great part gone under; it has disappeared together with the matter and its understanding, as Isaiah says, (29:10ff.).Thereto in interpretation of the Holy Scripture(re sacra) the Rabbis have nothing to add since they the derivation of words and associations distort and force because they want the words to determine the matter (Sache), and undermine the matter,though the essence is not subsevient to the words rather the words should be servicable to the matter. If the essence is lost, the words in vain will be distorted and the singular art of the Rabbis is such that it carries it to the extreme.Yes, they habitually and often, about which we and the grammarians agree, only out of hate against Christ falsify and deal with distant lying matters and go to extremes and thereby prove to the present-day Jews that the many verses are to be dealt with a fable manner, those which their ancient masters dealt with in truth and, to be sure, expressly and with great scholarship. Thus Burgensis everywhere in his Postille against Lyra and in his Scrutinium. Lyra, himself, witnesses the same. And it in everthing their determination just as it goes on in our times so that after the understanding of Scripture is lost their imaginations and presumptive opinions imagine of the Scriptures their opiions and with great learning twist verses which are clear are twisted to contrary opinions as the heretics do they themselves do as well. For this reason if one accepts from them grammatical things one may accept them but all their word derivations or opinions one can in no way follow since we very well know that they are very determined to distort the Word by grammatical means and to falsify the right understanding.You see today how much they are concerned as to keep Latin pure the matter according to word derivation and grammar they reject ; they want not the rule but the usage to be the master of the speaking but the right thrust of the derviation be the rule. From this comes the battle between the Ciceronians and the other Latins who adopt another position.And I, who am neither a Latin nor yet a grammarian, much less, a Ciceronian give my applause to what the Ciceronians appear to say and want to praise. Thus, may I also in Holy Scripture be be rather a Mosaiker,a Davidian, or Isaiahan be, if possible, than a Kimishcer (Kuminichus)Hebrew or some other Rabbi. Then we must give diligence to follow as much as we are able to come as near as possible to the foremost and be like them but not only that like they give a pure manner of speech but also the right understanding of the matter.Certain people chatter that in the verse Habbak.2,4. it does not stand written: "The righteous shall live by faith," but out of truth and are ready to deny the right opinion of faith and condemn it if they had not been prevented by the translation of the Apostle Paul (Rom.1:17. Thereby they straightway give their ignorance of the holy words and things to the light of day. Since who does not know that this word "faith" has no Hebrew word corresponding to it? They have a different word namely Emeth,Emunah (Wahrheit)for which on the other hand by us neither in Greek,Latin or German there is no corresponding word.Then "truth" (Wahrheit) signifies the firm,certain,constant,firmly grounded,undoubtable and it is used of physical and spiritual things as the 89th Psalm (v.38) indicates; " in heaven certain" ((Vulg.:in coelo fedelis), that is:certain,firm,constant where it speaks of the rain deluge of Noah's time. Isaiah 7:9 puts both together through a play on words: am la tameno ke la tapannu,(my transliteration of ML's Hebrew)which translated is : si non creditis, non permanebitis, "if you don't believe, you will not abide".It is the same verb only through derivation (etymologia)altered. According to grammar it must be thus translated: if you do not stand firm,certain,true, you will not be a standing, certain, firm,true people; or thus: if you do not believe, one will not believe you.The one denotes spiritual things and the other bodily, in this way: if you are not standing firm in heart, you will not in your attitude be firm and certain; if you doubt in heart, you will not be truthful in understanding, if you do not have the right will,you will not stand and abide, nothing true,solid or constant be, but just as you waver in heart and nothing is certain in your heart so will you waver and nothing will be certain in your kingdom. If we have now named what is firmness, certainty of the heart in reference to spiritual things understood, namely of the Word of God I should give approval to the Word of God having a firm, certain, constant regard: rather with what name would you teach it to me in Latin? Would you not say: It is what in Latin is called fidere,believing, having security, without doubt? What should one therefore do?You deny that in Habbakuk "faith" (Glaube) must be read only because you deny that in Hebrew faith and truth are the very same and therefore "truth" must be read. And also in Latin truth is not distinguished from faith whether one speak of the heart or the physical.the word searchers (etymologi) say it is fides because it happens (fiat)or is, that is, it is true for the thing outwardly what the word inwardly proclaims and outwardly by the word of the mouth. Further, there is Hebr.11,1, the word likewise in a very learned way gives the definition naming faith the fundamental (Grundlage,hyostasin) or the substance (substantiam) of the future things, for this reason because faith is firm,certain, true, stable and well grounded outlook of the heart brought forward which does not waver, does not doubt,not vain,not false and with nothing in the heart a deceptive outlook or mockery without reality or truth as are the opinions of men about God which have no basis nor a true, certain,firm content; but it is wavering, unstable, indeterminate outlook in the heart. Otherwise one names the faith as also the truth in Hebrew Necona, Ps.5:10: "Then nothing in your mouth Necona (Hebrew printed in text)i.e. nothing certain,firm,stable,well-grounded,essential-holding (hypostaticum), but everthing is deceptive,vain,full of doubt-bearing,in relation to the truth as nothing,not existing, not being an reality (hpostasin).Therefore it says in Psalm 51 (V.12. Vulg.);"a right spirit",that is, a truthful, certain, doubtless,firm, well-grounded, existence (existenten), not deceitful, imaginary,doubtful, indefinite,; "a spirit, a right spirit,not feigned,imaginary spirit,which is false and a true spirit", but one according to the thought and imagination of the flesh. Therefore it is if one says: "the righteous lives by truth", is the same as: he lives by the certain,not through the doubtful,or nothingness,imaginary,false but through the firm,true,stability of the heart with which he depends of the Word of God, what Paul has translated:",through faith",likely with knowledge and will, because faith is the firm basis (hypostasis), the stability, the truth of the heart, which truth, and constant and well-grouded in the Word of God,not deceifully or vainly which one usually calls faith-joyouness (plerophoriam). We have been deceived by philosophy's use of this word hypostasis which uses this word for the essence (substantia) which relies on the false,empty,vanities,uncertainties. So one says of the divine persons hypostases, that is, not false which neithr vain nor lying , but true,stable, well-founded thing. Now is easily understood,(Hebr.11:1): hypostasis rerum sperandarum (a firm foundation for that hoped for), if one first of all casts aside the opinion of philosophy and according to the Word of God the things which are hoped for ( as nothing)if it were not for the Word has spoken about and can be received as now true as in God's Word and not through the false word of men. So then one understands not in a philosophical way the firm foundation(hypostasis)or essential although the future things their substance is by faith and faith the Formale is, the essential part of the hoped for things. Thus life the firm foundation of the living body but according to Hebrew and the Scripture a certain security (hypostasis) of the thing or of the things which the matter itself sees and grasps in an undoubting and certain opinion.This is "the faith" in the Word of God, which does not lie, and faith on the same does not deceive.

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