Friday, June 13, 2008

#2254-To Heinrich, Duke in Saxony (ducal Saxony)

(About the situation in #2246.)

Grace and peace in Christ. Illustrious, high-born Prince, gracious Lord! I have written previously to EFG for Matthes Luther, (called Lother in #2246)citizen of Freiburg. Now he complains to me that my writing was harmful to him rather than beneficial on account of some words which one may point to further and he yet pleads for a hearing and judgment; whether it can be demonstrated that he spoke and did something against Baptism or the Sacrament or influenced some and if so, he will suffer what he deserves. Thereupon it is my poor request that EFG will search out this matter and if he is found innocent that he graciously be permitted to come back so that there is not outcry that no one listens or sees; especially since there are quite several who consider him not guilty part of whom dwell in the lands of EFG. EFG will graciously know how to proceed herein. Herewith, be commended to God, Amen. On Tuesday after the Visitation of Mary (4 July)1536. EFG's willing Martinus Luther,D.

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