Sunday, May 25, 2008

#2248-To Spalatin

To the worthy and truly blessed man, Herr M.G. Spalatin, the very faithful servant of Christ, in the LOrd his very dear brother.

Grace and peace in Christ! Worthy Spalatin, Kilian Zimmermann has come here. He was either driven out of or fled Glaucha and has requested help toward some sort of position. However, there are so many poor ones coming here from every place that it is not likely there are enough positions for them. Because of this he has finally requested that I recommend him to you and I request that you take it up and this letter serves to make it happen. Since he also ,having lived near Altenburg ,is in your ecclesiatical jurisdiction.

I have no news and do want to pass that which is already old to you as the very horrible tragedy in England. About your Asmodeus I will write as I can; meanwhile Christ grant that through patience you will overcome.Greet your very lovely wife and tell her that I in the best and upright way think about her and that she may these motherly (and not to mention step-motherly) insults bear. It will finally be that everything turns out for the best and happiest but those will come to shame who want to blemish her. Be it right well with you in Christ with all of yours,Amen. On the Saturday after Pentecost (10 June) 1536. Your Mart.Luther.

NOTES: The tragedy in England was the execution of Queen Anne Boleyn earlier in June.
Asmodeus is described by ML in his foreword to the book of Tobit (Vol.XIV,p.77) as the devil who disrupts and ruins family life in contrast to the other heroes and heroines of the book.
Spalatin early in the 1520's was counselor to Elector Fredrich. About the time of the latter's death Spalatin became one of the pastors of the Stiftkirche in Altenburg.

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