Saturday, March 15, 2008

#2217-To Spalatin

To the worthy and highly-honored man,Herr Magister Georg Spalatin, the faithful servant of Christ, his very dear brother.

Grace and peace! We have, worthy Spalatin, from the illustrious Prince, received an apropriation for the young nobleman Johann Rostock which, I believe, you already know from the letter of D.Jonas. For this reason I request that you would proceed,as much as you can, that he may receive something as soon as possible. Since Jonas will,as is easily believable, be burdened by the care of so many friends that you would further for him the just and necessary appropriation by your friendship and faithfulness which both of us have always experienced from you.Be it right well with you in the LOrd with the berries, grapes and vine, your household. 1536 on Oculi Sunday (19 March). Your Martin Luther,D.

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