To the highly renown man, Herr M.Georg Spalatin, superintendent in Meissen, in the LOrd his very dear brother.
Grace and peace in the LOrd! This pastor in Burkhartshain by the name pf Wolfgang Gotzel has been exiled by his nobleman. He is already old and has several children and previously administered his office faithfully; assist him, my dear Georg, as much as you can. It is cruel that the poor in Christ among us are so troubled and the lack of restraint of the nobles will bring great evil to the Gospel. I commend him to your care at an opportune time.
There is no news beyond that Doctor Antonius is here, that black Englander who is emissary of his King to our Prince and he wants M.Philppus to go to England to converse with the King. Hartmuth of Kronberg is here and looks for his sister. This very honor-worthy woman was in fact here several months unknown to all of us. A certain Jew seduced her who was a widow and made her his wife. However he was killed on a trip from his relatives and his relatives have appealed in peace that she come
here from Silesia. It is reported that the cities of Greece have been been reclaimed from the Turkish tyranny by Emperor Charles the Liberator. The good fortune of this man is unheard of, Christ bring it to completion,Amen. Of our Pest I know nothing as everyone is lying about everything. Of many persons it has been told that they already have been buried for three days and behold, they live and are completely healthy. May God visit these harmful people who are masters of lies and deceivers of the people. Be it well with you in the LOrd and pray for me. The 6th of September 1535. My lord Kaethe greets you respectfully together with all your flesh. Your Martin Luther.
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