To his very dear brother in Christ,Justus Menius, the very faithful Bishop in Eisenach.
Grace and peace, my dearest Justus! This woman who delivers this message to you I commend to you very much that you assist her with counsel and with whatever help you are able to give. She appears to me to be of a very high progeny perhaps not far from there where one speaks your dialect as her manner of speaking indicates. She has been very honorable by us and has borne a child; I am the god-father. I think it has been of a sort of accident about which she alone knows and now bemoans and she now laments that she stayed in a foreign (land). If some sort of slip occured you can determine executing the office of a Samaritan yet in a way that you do not believe humans uncritically. We must be without guile as the doves but as wise as the serpents. I believe strongly that she is unhappy but as I am often deceived I must be somewhat reticent. You do according to your wisdom what (as I believe) is fitting for a very good woman and one who appears to be a suitable wife for you. She herself has wanted me to write to some pastor of that area likely in that area of her relatives and blood-relations (Blutsfreunde?) to take up (residence). Be it well with you in Christ and pray for me as I do for you. On the 8th of August 1535. Your Martin Luther.
NOTES: Editors say that this is the sister of Hartmuth of Kromberg and , I think, that she was kidnapped by a Jew but check the latter out as I am not sure I am understanding it right.
I think Menius was at the death-bed of Luther's father and of Luther himself but check that too.
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