To Erhard Schnepf, servant of Christ in Stuttgart.
Grace and peace in Christ! My Theobald, who is pastor at a certain church near us here,comes to you, my good Erhard not out of any outrage or boldness in order to change his place but because he was encouraged by a certain neighboring Pastor Jackob that there were be a prospect there to being cared for in some sort of preaching-office especially in a village. It is a case of body and life because it appears that our damp and very northly air cannot be endured by the Austrian body which is accustomed to a southerly and milder air. Otherwise, if not not forced by the health of the body he could stay here in the completely passable position(as he himself asserts)which he presently has. I commend therefore to you the completely upright and reliable man, a true Nathanael,a very righteous Israelite without guile,and do not doubt that what you verify, Christ also verifies. Thus I say nothing of myself; I wish that he would likewise concerning me.
Here in this corner there is no news. The defense-writing of Ambrosius Blauer I have read and it pleases me and I wish that it will be properly understood. Many are offended that he so anguishly disputes as if he never had a different opinion which one holds is very difficult to believe but yet I allow it for the sake of harmony as just and well pleasing. Those who thought so from their hearts whether they are lukeward now or enemies I completely forgive. Be it well with you in Christ, dearest Erhard; May He complete in you the work which He has begun to His glory, Amen. On the day of Pentecost (May 15) Anno 1535. Your Martin Luther.
NOTES: Blauer was under suspicion of being a Zwinglian Duke Ulrich of Wuertenberg had him and Schnepf working on Reform there and Ulrich eventually forced himself to declare himself as a Lutheran.
The reference to Nathanael probably came from the reference to Pastor Jacob. The OT Jacob=Israel was a little tricky.
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