Thursday, May 03, 2007

#2086-To Nicholas Hausmann in Dessau

To the very dear brother in Christ, Herr Mag.Nicolaus Hausmann, the faithful servant of Christ in Dessau.
Grace and peace in Christ! We rejoice and all jubilant, better Hausmann, about the divine blessing with which God blessed the very good and God-beloved prince by the happy confinement and birth of a new Prince and I request that you convey our well-wishes and prayers that God Who has begun this blessing may now complete it to His glory and for the benefits and peace of the community,Amen.
There is no news beyond that you, as we believe, already know namely about the new king in Munster and of the emissaries of the same sent to Soest, "where eight of the same were executed". Christ go forth and fulfill His Work, Amen.
In Upper Deutschland a movement has arisen on account of the Imperial Decree(banum)which the Imperial Court (Camera imperii) introduced, as one says, against the Zwinglian cities but I fear that they might rather want to sieze us. May Christ rule and be victorious, Amen. Be it well with you and also pray for me. On the Tuesday after Martin (Nov.17) 1534. Your Martin Luther.
Note: It is now 51 years since Martin's birth and baptism. Guess I'll never understand the St.Louis use of quotation marks. "wo acht derselben enthauptet" and thought it was some kind of saying and couldn't see how "eight" fit in till Luther Index enlightened me.

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