Thursday, January 25, 2007

#2041-To Justus Menius in Eisenach

To the worthy man, Herr Justus Menius, the faithful and wise servant of Christ, his brother in the LOrd.

Grace and peace in Christ. My dear Justus! My illustrious Prince has presented a certain theologian, Hieronymous Weller, with a gratuity (beneficio) in Eisenach, namely 40 Gulden, which should be required from the Wartburg. I request therefore that you find out earnestly by whom these Goldgulden should be remitted, whether the treasurer or the commander, at which time, and whether it should be partially or entirely, and write back to me through this messenger and if perhaps, a part of these 40 Gulden should be given by the day of Philipp and James (May 1) let me know by this messenger. On the Monday after Invocavit (23 Feb) my Prince presented this gift (beneficio) to Hieronymous Weller. Wittenberg, on the Monday after Laetare (16 March) 1534. Your Martin Luther, very busy and not entirely mighty.

NOTES: Eisenach lies just below the Wartburg. The revenue is from the priestly position at the Wartburg. See #2050 coming up. ML says he is not entirely "fest". Wartburg was of course ein' feste Burg.

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