Saturday, December 16, 2006

#2028-Conrad Ottinger, Pastor in the Old City of Cassel to ML

(The Fulda River divides Cassel (Kassel); one side is the old city and the other the new.)
Revered, celebrated,Herr Doctor! I have no doubt that also to you in these perilous times many cries have come about our gracious Prince and Lord, Philip, Landgraf in Hesse etc.,that he is in preparation for war and your Worthiness (ML) might have received reports that F.G. (Philip) has something against the Imperial Maj. (Magesty)(or something else reported in misunderstanding or lack of knowledge may have been said) but F.G. as much as I can ascertain is not of such resolution or opinion but since King Ferdinand is not to continue to receive the Dukedom as a beneifice, which the Elector does not deny but publicly acknowledges the reservation of these lands to the lands of Wuertenberg as proper, thus recently the high-born Prince and Lord, Duke Ulrich of Wuertenberg has appealed to the Imperial Majesty and his majesty's brother about the superior right and justice for several years and continues to do so but without any recognition and since King Ferdinand cannot legally come to such a hereditary land so our F.G. and Lord thinks that Duke Ulrich, the illustrious and high-born Prince and Lord, nach Inhalt and all justice before God and the Imperial Majesty should be helped to be inducted and placed and,as far as I know,F.G. has no other intention either against the Imperial Majesty nor his brother and the selection of Ferdinand as King of the Romans, but only in this matter mentioned above. And that also his F.G. (his princely grace) is not a hanger-on of any schism or sect such as the Anabaptists or any other Way and of this Your Worthiness should be completely and certainly assured and confidentl. Thus I want Your Worthiness, by the command of His Princely Grace, not to be kept from a good opinion of F.G. as you might be by the crooked dealings which others report to you against F.G. and consider them to be excessive. E.W.'s (Your Willing), Conradus Ottinger, Pastor in the Old City of Casse.
NOTE: The first sentence is about 200 words long. That's a long one for a pastor or even the Princely Courts.
I think that King of the Romans means King of Bohemia and some surrounding lands.

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