Friday, November 03, 2006

#2008-To Johann and Joachim, Princes of Anhalt

Grace and peace in Christ. Illustrious Princes and gracious Lords! We hear here that until Sunday (19 October) that the Cardinal (Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz), Markgraf
Hans (Elector Joachim of Brandenburg-brother of Albrecht), Georg (Duke of ducal Saxony) are entering Dessau for a day's performance. We can well think that they will not cease to set upon E.F.G. with words on account of the Gospel and have concern thereto about temptations for E.F.G. and heartily and faithfull pray and call upon our LOrd and Savior that He would strengthen E.F.G. and preserve them in His Word and the work begun in them. Beyond that we do not know further how to fight such heads since they do not to either see or hear. However, E.F.G. can do little to protect my name from being looked down upon by the Council since it is referred to everywhere in the world; others utter my name and say: We do not hear Luther. But your parish-lord (Hausmann) is a well-bred man and nothing can be brought against him. Yet, no one can guess how the talks will be received and it is best to let it be as Christ says: (Luke 21:14ff.) "Do not be concerned what you should say when you stand before Princes and Lords. I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your opponents cannot stand against." Although such obdurate hearts are not worthy that one should say much to them as Solomon says: Where there is no listening, don't put forth the word; and Christ (Matthew 7:6): "You should not give holy things to dogs." Therefore a brief answer is preferred above the rest; that is the answer for them. E.F.G. graciously regard my answer as for the best. Christ grant E.F.G. His Spirit of wisdom and all consolation,Amen. Mid-week on the evening of St. Gallus (15 October) 1533.
NOTE: No signature but ML talks about his name "Luther" in the body of the letter.
The Princes visiting are the Catholic heavy-weights.

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