Saturday, July 29, 2006

#1954-To Nicolaus von Amsdorf

Grace and peace in Christ!This Johann Busmann reports to me that he has been assured by
several of your citizens, my dear Amsdorf, that were I to intervene for him with you that from your common treasury (gazophylacium) there would be some sort of support given without difficulty for him to undertake his studies here in Wittenberg. Success will prove whether that is true. I might, to be sure, be of help to him but I do not know how that could happen. We are not only overwhelmed but oppressed by poverty actually,conceivably,relatively,in itself,according to every category (tam concretiva,quam abstractiva,tam relativa quam absoluta, et omnium praedicamentorum modis). Help if you are able to be comfortable with it since I want in no way to burden you or want you to do anything grudgingly.
There is no news at least such that would be new to you since you dwell in the show-place of the world. The blasphemous barker,Johann Kos in Leipzig, the LOrd has silenced. One says that the Pope has poison ready for the Emperor; namely because he cannot accomplish anything by force or cunning he is turning to his arts. One also says that he has removed four Cardinals with poison in order to replace them with his Florentiners thinking thereby to confer the Papacy on his Mediciers. One must think that there is no one living who is better able to administer poison with such great art and talent as this most-holy Clement and most-good saint (a word play which cannot be conveyed in German-"sanctissimus Clemens et clementissimus Sanctus")because he is the Vicar of Christ."Wohlan", his day will come that he will be taken out by these people who called him the blessed. Be it right well with you in Christ and pray for me. On the 14th of January 1533 in Wittenberg. Your Martin Luther.

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