Friday, July 14, 2006

#1941-To Johann von Riedtesel

To the valiant and honored Johann Riedtesel, Saxon electoral treasurer and in the new Markgraf (?) (Markt.), my gracious and dear godfather.
Grace and peace in Christ. Valiant,honorable,dear Herr and God-father! I have done my recent writing to you without knowing anything of your circumstances and you have become so secretive toward me that I cannot ascertain by questioning how it goes with you but yet I want to do so. I am always concerned that Junker Neihard is dangerous for you as your last writing indicated and the faithlessness of the world saddens you. Although I have greater confidence that my most gracious lord (the Elector) will deal graciously with you and not do what your false friends likely desire and perpetrate. Christ our LOrd will be with you and because you have learned what the world is it will make you more faithful and you will experience with us christians that it is better to serve than the world.
My Kaethe and your god-child greets you in a friendly way and wishes everything good for you.
We are reasonably spright and healthy, praise God.Your god-child wants to be an active man and wants to have his own way. Greet for me your dear Rib together with all of yours. Herwith be commended to God,Amen. 1532 on the 6th of Lucia (6 Dec.)E.G.'s willing to serve D. Mart. Luther.
Note: How about that ML is in fairly good health?

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