Monday, June 26, 2006

#1925-To Johann, Joachim, Prince of Anhalt

To the illustrious,well-born Princes and Lords, Herrs Johann and Joachim, Brothers, Princes in Anhalt,Grafs in Ascanien and Lords in Bernburg, my gracious Lords.
Grace and peace in Christ. Illustrious, well-born Princes, gracious Lords! The pious man, Master Nicolaus Hausmann, has come here seeking the preaching-office with E.F.G.:I humbly commend the same to E.F.G. He has a faithful heart and is a moral man who teaches God's Word quietly and chastely and has love. Christ our LOrd give His rich blessings thereto so that he bears much fruit. And I have no doubt that E.F.G. very much wants to graciously support him. Herewith, be commended to God. And if my poor prayer avails it will always be humbly with E.F.G. in my first consideration. Dated at Wittenberg, Exaltationis Crucis (14 Sept.) 1532. E.F.G.'s willing Martinus Luther,D.
NOTES: Hausmann was ousted or resigned after a long tenure at Zwickau. ML used to address him as the "Bishop of Zwickau".
Suppose ML would have liked to sing: "Lift High the Cross"? on Sept. 14.
Trivial pursuit; What happened to Prince Georg the third brother?

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