Monday, July 23, 2007

#2110-To Landgraf Philip of Hesse

Grace and peace and in addition my poor Paternoster (Lord's Prayer). I have, gracious
Prince and Lord ,EFG's writing together with the presentation of the opinion of Martin Bucer and always perceived the great zeal of EFG for union among all of us on the Article of the Evening Meal (Lord's Supper)etc. Christ, our dear LOrd, preserve EFG in such zeal and all other gifts until that blessed day to his praise and glory,Amen.
What my opinion thereon is now can be perceived by EFG in the writing of my gracious Lord, the Elector; then,praise God, I have come so far that I comfortably hope that there are many among them who heartily and earnestly think thus; for this reason I am inclined to a union which would be fundamental and constant. However because in both parties not all have yet researched it it is sufficient at this time (in my opinion)that to acknowledge the extent of our togetherness until God give more help and grants that a certain unity is concluded. So great a matter, which has waxed for so long and so deep, cannot all of a sudden become complete. Whatever I can continue to do and suffer to bring to completion such a beginning EFG should be certain (as much as God grants) there will be nothing lacking on my part. To serve EFG I am willing and indebted. Herewith be to God commended,Amen. On the Saturday after the conversion of Paul (30 Jan.)Ao.1535. EFG's willing D.Martin Luther.

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