Thursday, March 22, 2007

#2071-To Duke Heinrich V of Mecklenburg

To the illustrious, high-born Prince and Lord, Herr Hinrich, Duke in Mecklenburg etc.,my gracious Lord.
Grace and peace in Christ together with my poor Pater noster. Illustrious, high-born Prince, gracious Lord! E. fuerstl. Gnade (your Princely Grace) has written to me and sent therewith a preacher's confession and I could not keep the same from my most gracious Lord (i.e. the Elector) and his churf. (electoral) G.(grace)who may also write an admonition to E.F.g.(Heinrich V) with all earnestness. There are now so many examples of sectarian spirits coming before us that we should be acutely watchful and spright. The devil cannot and does not want to let up as we have learned from experience apart from and by the Scriptures. Thereon E.F.G. must earnestly proceed well and see that this preacher cease or take his staff somewhere else; since he is of no use and has crickets in the head, previously unheard of or read about, and is absolutely crazy without any basis in the Holy Scripture. Several here think it is Henr. Neverus, who became a Barefoot in Wismar, who here in Wittenberg lost a debate on the five wounds of St. Francis and they for a time had a chapter here. E.F.G. wants to help promote Christ's glory as all of us are responsible to do against the devil's messengers. Herewith, be commended to God, Amen. In Wittenberg,1530 (1534?) on the Tuesday after the Visitation of Mary( 7 July). E.F.G.'s willing Martinus Luther,D.
NOTE: De Wette conjectures this is 1534. ML would have been in Coburg in 1530.

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