Monday, March 19, 2007

#2070-To Friedrich Myconius in Gotha

Grace and peace! My dear Myconius, the matter of this Koersner you sent to me late. Our judge had already made a judgment for this (as you name her) Gela, and she said that she has clear witnesses for the other party otherwise I would have, according to my opinion, made my pronouncement for that other Osanna. What should I do now? I can revoke nothing I must leave it to her judge as a matter that is not under my jurisdiction.
Concerning the Anabaptists in Muenster I am little troubled. Satan rages but the Scriputre stands firm that Christ is the seed of woman, the seed of Abraham, the seed of David, the fruit of the body, the fruit of the loins. These thunder bolts of the Spirit do not permit me to imagine anything other than that Christ is a natural son of the flesh of the virgin unless we do not know what the seed of the woman, of men, or humanity is etc. Therefore do not be so very disturbed about the Greek words themselves. As one says, from that which it is born, it is and it will be as it was born. However, it is added that He is from seeds and from a woman and so was born. In haste and very busy. Pray for me. On the Sunday after the Visitation (Maria)1534. [5 July]. Your Martin Luther.
NOTE: Evidently Myconius raised a question based on Galatians 4:4 where it says:"God sent forth His Son MADE (Gk=genomenon; Latin=factum) of a woman."

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