Thursday, February 01, 2007

#2046-To Nicolaus Hausmann in Dessau

To the highly honored man,Herr M. Nicolaus Hausmann, the very faithful servant of the Word in Dessau, his superior in the LOrd.
Grace and peace in Christ! Gladly I hear, better man, what you write and what this good man has related about your very good Prince (of Anhalt). Christ strengthen and complete His work in him with a great and prevailing Spirit,Amen. It is not surprising that the Bishop of Halle is so earnestly opposed; he feels that he cannot easily get along without the very good Herr Georg who so faithfully cares for the affairs of his Reich and acknowledges that he cannot turn him back as he follows the Gospel and confesses the same. For this he becomes a flattering Sirene and tempts him to deny Christ, Who lives and rules forever, and instead obey the lies of a Bishop whose life is not secure for a moment. I have often said: if there would be no Pope, this Bishop of the Papacy alone worthy of it as he is so rich in all the Papal virtues which he now also openly demonstrates; time will tell how what good fortune that will be. Enough of that.

It pleases me very much that you write that it is not your intention to publicize your Order (church ordinances). It will happen that the matter, in time, will take care of itself better. It is better to nurture that sort of thing in writing after the fact than to order it beforehand. The law speaks and it does not happen. History happens and then it is spoken or written about.

The LOrd Jesus Who wills that you should be His instrument in that place fill you a joyful and hearty Spirit that you bear much fruit for His grace, Amen. On the Saturday after Judica (28 March) 1534. Your Martin Luther.

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