Sunday, December 10, 2006

#2027-To Augustin Himmel, Pastor in Colditz

To the highly venerable brother in Christ, M.Augustin Himmel(Coelo), the faithful pastor in Colditz.

Grace and peace! There is a kind of strife occurring because of the Diaconat in Leisnig; since however D.Jonas is absent and we do not know about the whole case and that you being so nearly situated might. We, Philipp and I, request that you deal with your Ambrosius so that he supports the Diaconat in Colditz. We think that the man is not displeased with you and he may indicate to the pastor in Leisnig or the Council that he will remain in Colditz and if he does this the Leisnigers will choose Antoninus.
This should be urged since his parents with this hope have sold their house in Freiberg and are determined to move to Leisnig. One must show consideration to these good people and demonstrate some good pleasure since they in this time have determined for the sake of the doctrine of the Gospel, as it were, to go out of their fatherland into exile. Your affability is known to us and for this reason we hope that you will gladly take this matter over and earnestly pursue it and carry it through so that the Diaconat in Leisnig will be turned over to Antoninus. If Ambrosius wants something of a profitable position we will gladly help him at our opportunity. I especially request that you carry out this matter for this very good man who has forsaken the better land for the Gospel of Christ and put himself under the ban. Be it right well with you. Your Mart. Luther.
NOTES: No date for this lette but thought to be in 1533 as Melanchton had earlier written to Spalatin about Ambrosius desiring a position.
The baptismal name of Himmel was Heinrich and his cloister-name was Augustinus.
Antoninus is Antoninus Lauterbach a well known name in LCMS circles.

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