Saturday, November 04, 2006

#2009-To Nicholaus Hausmann

To the, in Christ, higly-honorable man, Herr M. Nicolaus Hausmann, the very faithful servant of the Word in Dessau, his, in the LOrd, very dear brother.
Grace and peace in Christ! I have written to your princes, worthy man and very dear brother in the LOrd. I hear that those Cyclops have come to your city, those who are at enmity with us and our Gospel. What they advise and deal with you can easily trace namely that Erfurt is inciting these movements. May the LOrd make to nothing these onslaughts of the godless and may it be the will of our Father in heaven as well as on the earth,Amen. For the rest I hope that these tyrants will be neither worthy of your greeting or address. Yet you could the other two, the one called a Nullus (nobody) and the other a Nemo (no one) could easily make an acknoledged greeting if they are somewhat worthy or regard and speaking to. You be a strong man and if the opportunity arises answer them briefly with sincere words despising in the same these Goliaths valiantly with the upright courage of Christ because it is written that if they do not desist they will become a foot-stool of the LOrd.Christ laughs at their rage; we suffer but also laugh about it. Take them on with composed temperment and steady eyes as puffed ones (if they wanted to say something) and think you are speaking with those whom are our LOrd Jesus very much despises and over whom He will put us on the Last Day to judge. So then you will cast away their ostentation and great (sesquipedalia=one and a half foot long) words from you with which they strut about at this moment and which they blow out against us who will be their lords and judges in eternity. The LOrd strengthen and glorify you through His Name as He has begun unto the End, Amen. We pray for you against those and will pray for you, doubt it not. Although it is Christ Who will preserve His Word; we are without anxiety, He cares for us. My lord Kaethe and all of ours greet you respectfully. There is no news outside of that one says that ours in Erfurt are not holding Mass. Thus is the sovereignty of the Centaurs who consider more their inclinations than the advantage of their Princes. Let us pray, let us pray. Be it well with you in Christ. On the day before St. Gallus (15 Oct.) 1533. Your Martin Luther.
NOTE: Sounds like ML is confident

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