Saturday, October 14, 2006

#2002-To Nicolaus Hausmann

Grace and peace! Your illness, my dear brother in Christ, is very close to me. Christ will assist you and not only make you well but will also grant that everything connected with this illness you will valiantly bear. He loves you because you love Him and speak for Him and suffer in this not only very unthankful but also very bad world. Be strong and despise those who hate you and anyone who preaches Christ Jesus as you do. I am so busy by God's grace that earlier this morning I could not write any letter to you through your Aurelius as I was wanting to do. Duke Georg has published a book which is in accord with his character and determination. However, thanks to God this foolish heart is brought to public disclosure. He had previously deserved this namely that through his constant persecution of the Word that as his own accuser and judge he had to be and also brought himself before the entire world shamefully as a liar,blasphemer and God-defamer. There will be an answer, not for him, but for us in an appropriate way. You pray for us. My lord Kaethe greets you respectfully and friendly in that she always thinks of your being most honorable. You might again greet most respectfully your Prince whose name by God's grace in blessing and favor increases from day to day to be a sweet smelling odor. God be with you. This I have written while your Weller began the evening meal with me. Mid-week after St. Matthew (25 Sept.) Anno 1533. Your Martin Luther.

NOTE: Luther did the writing:"Kleine Antwort auf Herzog Georgens naechtes Buch".i.e. "A little answer to Duke Georg's recent book." It is Vol.xix,page 1842 of the St. Louis Edition.
The signature:"Martin Luther" is used mainly in writing to fellow Augustinians.

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