Saturday, September 23, 2006

#1986-To tTilemann Schnabel and the other Hessian Theologians

To Herr Tilemnann Schnabel and the other bishops of Hess who are assembled at the castle in Homburg.
Grace and peace in Christ. Worthy and very dear men! I answer briefly your very blessed and upright letters and appeals insofar as I have time and leisure. I have learned of your zeal for Christ and Christian discipline with great joy, however in this so troubled time which is not sufficiently suited to introduce discipline and I would not advise you to venture a sudden innovation. "One must allow the farmers a little indulgence in drink and soften a wagon load of hay for a drunken man. It will happen by itself that which we cannot push by law." It is a great matter not in itself but on account of the persons who have the power to incite disturbance who are not suppressed since we are a root in a wasted land and have not yet grown branches and leaves. Meanwhile may I advise this, as we do here, to proceed in small steps firstly to withhold the Lord's Supper from those who seem worthy of the Ban; this is the right Ban which men call the little ban so that they may not be permitted to stand as god-father at a baptism. (abstare baptismati ad lavandos pueros). An excommunication which forbids worldly things we may in no wise adopt, firstly, because we have no right there and the same only applies to those who are not true Christians; so then at this time the great (major) Ban is not in our power to enforce even and we would appear to be ridiculous to undertake it when we do not have the power to do so. Your hope that that the Prince will take up the full stricture is uncertain and it may be that the worldly authority will not be drawn in but in this regard may turn away so that the difference between both regimens (worldly and spiritual) be certainly maintained. Receive my free and sure brotherliness and good will as being well intended as I am motivated by love for you. Christ rule you through His Holy Spirit to eternity,Amen. Thursday after the feast of John the Baptist (26 June) Anno 1533. Your Martin Luther.
NOTE: The major Ban would prohibit the excommunicated to engage in business and industry and the like as I understand it. Does ML remember the Imperial Ban he is under?

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