Thursday, August 03, 2006

#1957-To Hans von Loeser. Land-General

(Closest I can come to "Erbmarschall" is "land-general". Military guy, I guess, like Abizaid?)
To the valiant,firmly-honorable Hans Loeser, Land-general in Saxony, my most favored lord and friendliest, dear god-father.
Grace and peace in Christ. Valiant, (Gestrenger is appelation of knights) firmly honorable,dear lord and god-father! As I recently requested so I repeat for the sake of
our LOrd Jesus Christ, E.(you) humbly for the glory of God and my young son ,whom in this night , God has presented through my dear Kaethe, would come forth to be beneficial and helpful so that he from the old manner (Art) of Adam to the new birth of
Christ by the Sacrament of Baptism would come forth and be a member of Christendom; likely God the LOrd wants to educate him as an enemy of the Pope or the Turks. I would like him to be baptized at Vesper-time so that he no longer remains a heathen, and I want to be sure that Your Valiance would not be inconvenienced and this sacrifice unto God could be completed to His praise. If I have some obligation thereto I am willing and ready.Herewith, with yours, be to God commended,Amen. On the night around the first hour, Wednesday after St. Paul ( 29 Jan) !533. Your Valiance willing servant, Martin Luther
Note: Chilrden of ML and Kaethe: Hans-1526;Elisabeth-1527(died in first year);Magdalena-1529;Martin-1531;Paul(this one)-1533;and Margaret-1534. Magdalena dies as a teen (1541).

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