Monday, June 05, 2006

#1915-To Markgraf Joachim in Brandenburg

Grace and peace in Christ our LOrd and Savior,Amen! We have received the writing of EFG and perceive how EFG the illustrious, high-born Prince, and gracious Lord would, as commander, lead the Saxon-circle against the unpleasant tyrants, the Turks, and thereto EFG requests our prayer and a Christian response.
We are heartened to learn of EFG's Christian heart and intention in this matter; we also will not omit our Pater noster (Our Father prayer), as best as we are able to be
a cooperative participant. Though we are not able physically nor should we be with our dear Emperor Charles and under his flag to do battle against Satan and his partners yet we can support him spiritually with our earnest prayer. God the LOrd grant that now will be the time when Michael (archangel),Prince of the people of God will arise as Daniel 12 prophesies, Amen. Also I hope above everything and pray God through our LOrd Jesus Christ that He would grant to the pious Emperor and all Princes and to everyone who now strive against the Turks a joyful heart relying confidently on His help and that they not be relying, as the Turks, on their own power and strength which would be harmful; but that they would sing with David: "I do not rely upon my sword"; and further:"YOU, LOrd, give the King victory."; and once again:"They rely on
horses and wagons; we, however, think on the Name of the LOrd, our God", as in many verses of the Psalter. Thus David did when he slew Goliath said:"You come to me in defiance with sword and spear but I come against you in the Name of the LOrd",1 Sam.17:45. Someone says that the Turkish Emperor on setting out swore on his sword that that is his God. Now may Christ help that such idolatry becomes mud and ridiculed on account of such unheard of pride and presumption, Amen.
Secondly, I hope that ours will not be relying on this that the Turks are completely unrighteous and the enemy of God and that we are innocent and righteous relative to the Turks as such a presumption is also condemnable; but that we fight with fear
toward God and trust on His sheer goodness. We are are also unrighteous before God, have shed much innocent blood, and persecuted God's Word and have despised and been disobedient to it: thus we are not to look upon how righteous or unrigteous the Turks are nor how righteous we are. The unpleasant devil is also God's enemy and acts with sheer injustice and force against those who are innocent; nevertheless we must not do battle with him defying him with our innocence and the presumption of our righteous ness but only relying in all fear and humility on the help of God. Thus David did not boast of righteousness before Goliath but battled relying on God's help and said:"YOu have blasphemed God on Whom I trust." Therfore we pray that God, not because of our innocence, will act to avenge and sanctify His Name among the Turks, the great blasphemers,and graciously forget our sins.
Thirdly,I pray and hope that ours in this striving will not seek glory,fame,land and goods etc. but only the glory of God and His Name, and thereby the protection and peace of poor Christians and subjects. God only should have the glory rather than the unworthy
and sinful who deserve pure shame and dishonor, yes, also are worthy of death as EFG knows better than I can describe. Because EFG earnestly requested a spiritual perspective I have given this brief opinion in service to EFG and do not doubt that others will opine to EFG so that with the battle going forth according to such pure opinion the devil with all his angles will be weak before us and the Turk will experience a different man than before when there was defiance against defiance on the part of both parties striving apart from God and doing more damage to the people of God than to the enemies. So EFG, go forth in God's Name and the same God send His angel Michael, who leads EFG, so that you all with God's help will joyfully prevail and return home again to the praise and glory of God, Amen. Our "our Father" will follow and go with you, and in addition, as God wills, will be waiting for and finding EFG in the field (of battle). EFG wiil graciously to his pleasure receive this which has been done in haste. Herewith be commended to God,Amen. The third of August Anno 1532.
EFG's willintg one, Doctor Martinus Luther.

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