Wednesday, February 01, 2006

#1853-To Markgraf Georg in Brandenburg

To the illustrious, high-born Prince and Lord, Herr Georg, Markgraf in Brandenburg,et
Duke in Stettin, Pomerania et., my gracious Lord.
Grace and peace in Christ Jesus. Illustrious, high-born Princem gracious Lord! EFG's preacher in Kulmbach and the mountainous area has often written me and now personally pleaded that I should humbly admonish EFG,to be strong and firm in the Gospel against such great and manifold attacks and offense which the devil daily incites and increasees. Because,however, EFG in Augsburg (Georg is a signer of the AC) together with ours, so confidently confessed and joyfully ventured forward, I think it highly unnecessary to further admonish EFG. EFG knows that here on earth Christ in His own must be weak, infirm and offensive as He Himself says: "Blessed is hh who is not offended in me", and His Christendom is permitted to be hidden in tribulation, divisions,infirmity and weakness so that it cannot be discovered by reason but only perceived by faith and confessed in the Gospel as we say in the creed:"I believe in one Christian Church". And although Christians bear much fruit of the Spirit and live holy lives yet there remains present much sin and infirmity: so that the Article is not idly uttered: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins", and in the fifth petition of the Our Father:"Forgive us our debts" etc., as Paul also says in Galatians 6:2:, Christ's law is to bear one another's burden; that is the common law in His kingdom of grace which EFG knows better than I can write. That the preacher of EFG urges to such admonishment of EFG is not that he doubts EFG's faith but because EFG rules such a great land and does the same not by himslef alone but but through officials and under-regents and must entrust to them everything among whom there are several (as among us) who are opposed secretly to the Gospel and some completely despise it and they combine to bring much malice and the forsaking of the preachers so that they have neither help or protection and finally in the face of hunger and poverty must let go of their parishes and thus the time of the Gospel among us will end and be gone: so take care of the good men so that EFG never experiences this though they may well be far from EFG's personal experience and far from his cognizance as it this way daily among us too. But this is put on your conscience that they complain against M.Ludwig unjustly and accuse him falsely of unchastity; also they are determined to give occasion to shut the mouth of the people and bring about hindrance and offence to the Gospel. EFG is a man as I am and I myself often grow so weary of the matters and offences that I can hardly endure it: what must EFG encounter regarding the Gospel since he has such a great and difficutl regime to deal with? Therfore I pray to God the Father of all consolation and strength that He would through His dear Son strengthen and through His Holy Spirit comfort him that in every such burden, labor and offense to hold up His Christians valiantly and protect them from the fiery arrows of Satan who after he cannot neither with skill or force win us over yet at the last with his persistent and enduring offenses and hindrances make us weary and tired of it all. Nam quod vi et arte non potest, saepis vincit assiduitate et tacido. [What he is not able to with force and art he often brings about with persistence and weariness.] I pray also that EFG that the above mentioned preachers would be commended to you and earnestness be applied so that they are little better taken care of. If then we are considered to servants of God and His Word and want to be Christians then we cannot be despised without God Himnself and His Word being
despised. Such I pray for EFG in his patience that he would not think I do not want to serve him in any way. I regard it as certain that it makes EFG very sorrowful when anyone regards God's Word and His servants as unworthy. But who can make all the boobs pious? We preachers should and must also have patience and bear with the world
in all its evil. May EFG regard graciously this writing and regard it as intended for the best. The merciful God comfort and lead eFG according to all His good pleasure,Amen. On the Thursday after S. Martin's (Oct.16) 1531. EFG's willing D. Martinus Luther.
NOTES: ML persuaded Albrect II of Prussia, and brother of Georg of Brandenburg to make Prussia a secular state which made this the beginning of the end of the Teutonic knights. Presume something similar happened in Brandenburg.

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