Reformation Letters

Monday, September 23, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Death of Andreas Carlstadt on Dec.25,1541
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Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 5 May 2013 20:12
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To Jonas on 16 Feb.1541 ML writes that he has heard of the death of Carlstadt and hopes "er bussfertig gestorben sei". However, a certain friend from Basel reports that "dass ein Gespenst an dessen Grabe herumschweifen und in dessen Hause,welches in manacherlei weise Larm macht mit werfen von Steinen und Gerolle." However, "nach dem Attischen Gezetse die Todten nicht Schmahen,deshalb werde ich nichts hinzufugen." Don't tell anyone that I said that, right?
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 6 May 2013 10:34
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What law of Attica or a man of Attica? Seems it was a Latin maxim. Also in many languages including English.
Forums Member # Posted: 7 May 2013 15:50
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The earliest date I can find in 1541 is April. Are you sure about February?
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 7 May 2013 20:12
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Pardon, should be feb.16,1542.
Forums Member # Posted: 8 May 2013 12:31
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Non licet Attica lege ῖ 11; ideo nihil [29] addam.
11) Vgl. Erasmi adagia 3, 10, 69 (p. 839).;
Ancient Greek maxim??
Forums Member # Posted: 8 May 2013 14:23
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Sorry the program doesn't seem to support Greek letters.
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 8 May 2013 22:35
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mL goes by Attica law "ideo nihil addam" but just a bit!
I wouldn't mind seeing the Greek.
Forums Member # Posted: 9 May 2013 12:19
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Non licet Attica lege ῖ 11; ideo nihil [29] addam.
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 9 May 2013 13:44
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Any access to Erasmus' adages?Not that ML would follow Erasmus!
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 11 May 2013 12:04
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More on the death of Carlstadt in a letter to Jacob Probst on 26 March,1542:"Carlstadt ist zu Basel an der Pest gestorben,der selbst eine Pest war fuer die Kirche zu Basel als die Bischofe jener Kirche schreiben; sie fuegen auch hinzu dass er, da er krank war,von boesen Geistern geplagt worden sei, und dass dieselben nach seinem Begrabniss in seinem Hause noch Laerm anrichten. I wollte und habe immer gewalt , dass er selig wuerde,aber seine Unbussfertigtkeit bis aus Ende kann Ich nicht wollen gut heissen."
Sounds like a haunted deathbed and house.
Forums Member # Posted: 13 May 2013 14:09
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Brentius vivit, Carlstadius Basileaes[ s) Basileae fehlt 2.] peste interiit, pestis ipse [31] Ecclesiae Basiliensis, ut scribunt ad nos Episcopi eiust[ t) illius 3.] Ecclesiae10; [32] deniqueu[ u) iidem 3.] addunt, manes eum vexasse aegrotum, et post sepulturamv[ v) sepultum 1. 2.] [33] adhuc in domo eius agitarew[ w) agitari 1. 2.] tumultus. Salvum vellem et volui semper, [34] sed impoenitentiam eius finalem non possum velle neque probare.
Latin is NOT my strong suit.
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 15 May 2013 08:48
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More spooky stories on the death of Carlstadt as ML writes to Nicolaus von Amsdorf on April 7,1542 that the spirituals in Basel have written that ""Er ist gestorben, indem ihn der Teufel getoedtet hat. Denn sie schreiben,dass ihm,da er predigt, und vielen andern ein Mann von grosser Statur erscheinen sei, der in die Kirche getreten sei, und neben einem gewissen Buerger in einen leeren Kirchenstuhle gestanden habe. Er sei wiederum hinausgegangen und in das Haus Carlstadts eingetreten. Da haben er den Sohn allein gefunden und mit den Haenden aufgehoben, als ob er ihn zur Erde haette schleundern wollen.aber er habe ihn verletzst losgelassen und ihm befohlen,seinem Vater zu sagen, dass er nach drei Tagen zuruckkehren und ihn holen werde. So sei er nach drei Tagen gestorben. Sie sagen hinzu, dass er nach beendigte Predigt jenen Buerger gefragt habe wer jener Mann gewesen sei? Der Buerger aber sagt, er habe nichts gesehen. So glaube Ich,dass er, von ploettzlichen Schrecken, ergriffen, an keiner Pest gestorben sei, als aus Furcht vor dem Tode. Denn er pflegte sich vor dem Tod jammerlich zu entsetzen."
Forums Member # Posted: 16 May 2013 14:42
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Auch Wenzeslaus Link hatte über Karlstadts Tod an Amsdorf geschrieben. In der Antwort des letzteren Zeitz 21. April hört man nachhallen, was Luther ihm geschrieben hatte: Mira et magna de Carolstadio scripsisti. Utinam iis commotus poenitentiam egisset et pie obiisset! Quam anxie mortem timebat homo miser! Puto eum ex isto spectro tantos animi cruciatus et cordis dolores hausisse, ut ipsum occiderent (Verpoortennius p. 119).
I take it your Latin is better than mine.
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 16 May 2013 15:30
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Mira et magna!
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 17 May 2013 13:34
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Andreas Carlstadt in hell? Writing to Jonas on April 30,1542 ML relates:"Carlstadt's Frau hat einem Brief hieher geschreiben, der voll Betrubnisz, und die Tyrannei ihres Ehemannes (auch nach seinem Tode) schwer anklagt, dass er sie nackt und bloss zuruckgelassen, und sie habe ihre Kostbarkeit (clinodis) nicht mehr, stecke in Schuldern, sei ohne Heimath, beschwert mit funf Kindern, habe nichts Eigenes uzw. Wenn man den Baum nach den Fruchten beurtheilen muss, so ist dieser Mench geradeswegs zur Hoelle, getznzt,ja, er hat sich selbst kopflings hineingesturzt, ohne wir nicht die Richter der Todten sein konnen. Doch es erschrecklich, dass die Frau so redet zumal wider ihren Ehemann, das ist, wider ihr Fleisch.
Not talking evil about the dead again except thru his widow. Suppose the one son warry of the man with great STATUR,,,
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Charles V and shipwreck?
# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 13:12
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Writing to Nicolaus von Amsdorf on April 6,1543 Luther shares the rumor that the Kaiser lives: "Wollte doch Gotte, dass er in Gott lebte. Ich fuercte, dass die Seefishce vor einem Jahre schon laengst seinen Leib verzehrt haben."And again to Amsdorf on 18 August 1543:"Dass der Kaiser am Leben sei ,.. ich wollte lieber, dass err viellmehr am Leben sei als dass er todt sei."
Better Charles V than Ferdinand. Looks like Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, decided to wait until 1556 for demise after abdicating.Interesting, devout ruler!
Don Schoewe
Forums Member # Posted: 22 Jun 2013 06:38
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Lots of Spanish shipwrecks with recovery of coins with the image and name of Charles V but don't see anything in the 1540's with Charles V on board. Anyone?
Luther replying to Myconius on suicide.
a fly. Furhter: "ich erinnere mich, in weltlichen Buchern gelesen haben, dass sich in einer gewissen Stadt die Jungfrauen , als ob sie sich verschoren hatten, eine nach der andern durch den Strich getodet haben. Da die Obrigkeit erschrect war, weil sie keine Abhulfe finden konnten, so rieth endlich Einer, dass die naecshte, welche sich erhaengt hatte, nacht durch die Gassen geschleift werden sollte (mit entblosster Scham) mit einem Fusse an ein Pferd gebunden. Da durch dies Schauspiel alle abgeschrect wurden, so hoerte diese Ungeheurlichkeit des Satans auf."
It would be interesting to know about the books in ML's library.Earlier ML said he thought the cases mentioned and methods indicated not suicides as the ropes or articles of clothing used couldn't kill a fly. Therefore he thought the deaths murders by the devil. This was in the first part of the letter which ended with "fly" above.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
#2516-Myconius to ML on Melanchthon's dream
Myconius writes to Luther on 3 March 1538 on Melacnchthon's dream and gives a brief interpretation thereof.
"er ein treffliches Gemaelde sehe, in welchem zuerst das Bild des am Kreuze haengenden Christus abgemalt war, um welches herum gleichsam Seelchen (animulae), mit weissen Kleidern angethan, gemalt waren. Zu diesem traten die Churfursten des Reichs hinzu, angetan mit ihrem Schmuck, indem sie sich in shoerner Ordung, wie es zu geschen pflegt, dahin begaben. Nach diesen kam ein gewisser Esel, angethan mit einem leinenen Uberwurf, wie man es nennt, "einen Chorrock", welcher an einem Stricke den Kaiser und den Pabst hinter sich herzog, gleichsam als wollte er sie zu dieser Ceremonie des Seligen hinfuhren.
Ich lege jenen Esen als den deutschen aus, welchen beide bisher nach ihrem Belieben geritten und jaemmerlich geplagt haben. Aber ob dieser Traum etwas bedeute, werden wir sehen.
?Caesar and Pope rode the Germans like a jackass and now they will return the favor, Maybe?
"er ein treffliches Gemaelde sehe, in welchem zuerst das Bild des am Kreuze haengenden Christus abgemalt war, um welches herum gleichsam Seelchen (animulae), mit weissen Kleidern angethan, gemalt waren. Zu diesem traten die Churfursten des Reichs hinzu, angetan mit ihrem Schmuck, indem sie sich in shoerner Ordung, wie es zu geschen pflegt, dahin begaben. Nach diesen kam ein gewisser Esel, angethan mit einem leinenen Uberwurf, wie man es nennt, "einen Chorrock", welcher an einem Stricke den Kaiser und den Pabst hinter sich herzog, gleichsam als wollte er sie zu dieser Ceremonie des Seligen hinfuhren.
Ich lege jenen Esen als den deutschen aus, welchen beide bisher nach ihrem Belieben geritten und jaemmerlich geplagt haben. Aber ob dieser Traum etwas bedeute, werden wir sehen.
?Caesar and Pope rode the Germans like a jackass and now they will return the favor, Maybe?
Friday, February 22, 2013
#2485-to Nicolaus Specht on marriage
Grace and peace in Christ! I wish for you and your bride happiness, my dear Nicolaus, and pray to the LOrd, that He will be with you with the grace of His blessing and preserve you to everlasting life.However my health is such and also my activities so great for me that I cannot be present so I am sending through Magister Antoninus a little and slight gift of remembrance , however it is the picture of the holy man, Johann Hus, which to you will be of little outward (ex materia) value but which will do well for your heart.Be it right well with you in Christ. On the the Thursday after Nicolai (12 Dec.) Anno 1538. Martin Luther,D.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
#2463-To Elisabeth, Duchess of Braunschweig
G .(Grace).u.Peace in Christ. Illustrious, high-born Princess, gracious Lady. I and my dear Kaethe thank EFG for the cheese. And it is for us a very dear gift, even were it something less, because EFG by God's grace has demonstrated such inclination to His holy Word. And we pray that the Father of all mercies through His dear Son ,our LOrd , would support and uphold EFG richly with His Holy Spirit unto that Day of our final salvation. We commend ourselves herewith as EFG"s willing servants,Amen. I am herewith plants of mulberry-tree and fig-tree as much as I have. Otherwise ,I have nothing unique. Midweek after Aegidius (4 Sept.) 1538. EFG's willing Martinus Luther.
N.B. Haven't noted for awhile when addressing nobility ML abbreviates "YOUR PRINCELY GRACE" with E.F.G. The Electors are E.C.F.G.
N.B. Haven't noted for awhile when addressing nobility ML abbreviates "YOUR PRINCELY GRACE" with E.F.G. The Electors are E.C.F.G.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
#2465-To Jacob Probst in Bremen
(From the last three paragraphs)
If there were no other sufficient proof for you that we are called to the kingdom of God and elect, and have the Word of God in truth, this one would be enough that we are by so many sects attacked which arise again and again, some also coming forth from us, to say nothing of the Papists and the particular(privata) war of Satan, and also the despising of the Word by some of ours. However we are not better than the Apostles and Prophets, nor even our LOrd Himself.
It is certain (constanter) written that Caesar, the French, and the Venetian are united with their fleets against the Turks and that there will be a fortunate beginning on the sea against the great enemy. God give His blessing and benediction,Ps.20). The proposed Vicenza Council has completely fallen away. The Pope leads a good life in Rome and endeavors, legally and illegally, to enrich and exalt his own, in that those whose properties are desired by his sons die valiantly or are poisoned. Rome is impossibly bad unless God some sort of acceptance of the Reformation is considered by the same; finally the wrath of God will come on the same.
My lordess Kaethe greets you and also my daughter the little Margaretha, for whom you are the god-parent, whom upon my death you will procure some sort of suitable suitor. I write nothing about myself than that you might pray for me that the LOrd will free me from the fist punches and thorns of the angel of Satan and give to me a good hour of departure according to His will when I from this body (materia) am delivered. The LOrd be with you and greet your lordess from me and our Kaethe. On the Sunday after the raising of the cross (15 Sept) 1538. Your Martin Luther.
If there were no other sufficient proof for you that we are called to the kingdom of God and elect, and have the Word of God in truth, this one would be enough that we are by so many sects attacked which arise again and again, some also coming forth from us, to say nothing of the Papists and the particular(privata) war of Satan, and also the despising of the Word by some of ours. However we are not better than the Apostles and Prophets, nor even our LOrd Himself.
It is certain (constanter) written that Caesar, the French, and the Venetian are united with their fleets against the Turks and that there will be a fortunate beginning on the sea against the great enemy. God give His blessing and benediction,Ps.20). The proposed Vicenza Council has completely fallen away. The Pope leads a good life in Rome and endeavors, legally and illegally, to enrich and exalt his own, in that those whose properties are desired by his sons die valiantly or are poisoned. Rome is impossibly bad unless God some sort of acceptance of the Reformation is considered by the same; finally the wrath of God will come on the same.
My lordess Kaethe greets you and also my daughter the little Margaretha, for whom you are the god-parent, whom upon my death you will procure some sort of suitable suitor. I write nothing about myself than that you might pray for me that the LOrd will free me from the fist punches and thorns of the angel of Satan and give to me a good hour of departure according to His will when I from this body (materia) am delivered. The LOrd be with you and greet your lordess from me and our Kaethe. On the Sunday after the raising of the cross (15 Sept) 1538. Your Martin Luther.
Monday, November 12, 2012
#2441-to Elector Johann Friedrich
To the illustrious highborn Prince and Lord, Herr Johann Friedrich, Duke of Saxony, the Holy Roman Empire Archmarchal and Elector, Landgraf in Thuringia and Markgraf in Meissen, and Burggraf in Magdeburg, my most gracious Lord. .
G.(race(u.(F).(peace) in Christ, our LOrd and Savior. Illustrious, high-born Prince, most gracious Lord! Upon ECFG's command, as D.Brueck related, on the efforts against the Turks etc., that ECFG desires my thoughts, these are my thoughts. Because Germany is full of blood-shed and blasphemy which against conscience and known truth exalts and rages, it is impossible (else differently God lives and rules) that it should without great punishment escape and God in the beginning of the reign of King Ferdinand such dissoulute and unfortunate events in both regiment and essence continue to permit; on account of that there is no hope but pure concern, yes, certainly much unhappiness is imminent. If it is now true that the Turk with great power is coming I think that the punishment stick (divine?) is bound against one cannot defend: therefore I commend everything to God and with prayer, what may happen or be decided, to be dealt with.Then I also think that God will not be happy that ECFG is sought for help by them nor yet peace in such extremities. Now for all, because of this great need, not only Ferdninand and our other enemies must suffer but also many pious,loyal people in our fatherland: so I think (insofar as ECFG is asking and seeking) ECFG be for the helping and consolation of the poor dwellings (not for the Tyrants) justly and with good conscience, and also not be responsible so that afterward the conscience must sigh and with the occurring damage accuse yourself and say: why did you not protect the poor with help when you knew well and did not hinder the well-known the slight matter of the tyrannts?Then whether we should be concerned that the Turks,our opponents, will strike( which to me is unbelievable) that they may turn the spear against us; we know that it cannot be done since the majority is not following , as happened before also, and the Turks had to withdraw from Vienna and yet nothing was undertaken against us. And whether there is concern that they might do such as they would like to do there is nothing about such an uncertain play nothing to do that would be offensive and dangerous thereafter to our conscience.It rests in God's hand, not in our will, what they do to us or what we must suffer as we have previously learned.;and it has and will not help us whether we firmly or strongly are against them ( yes, that should well be the first failing); so we are not thereby forsaken or lost whether we are weak or despised as it yet so stands today.Also whether ECFG is not requested to help, (which would be a horrible sign of pride and presumption and very advantageous to the Turks), so I think also that ECFG might likewise let happen that other Princes and Estates might change and cooperate to save the Fatherland and poor people.Necessity (necessitas) has no law (legem) and where there is need there ceases everything which covenant,law or contract is called since need goes over everything else: although I have great concern about such harmful perfidy which is used for division so that also ours would be offered on the slaughter bank (if God does not perform a miracle and the Jehoshaphat preserved by the army of Achab).Yet we must with our brothers good and evil bear as good comrades, as husband and wife, as father and children venture together and endure the sweet and sauer; God will likewise know how to find His own in death. Such are theological thoughts which in such high matters cannot be the Counselor, because I do know the circcumstances and of the people and matter but by God's grace brought in in darkness traveling and counseling as I would want to do (whether it is said of me further) well. Christ ,our dear LOrd,would ECFG, as he further looks into such high matters, give wisdom and direction; for the same we faithfully pray as we should; for the same I commend ECFG my heartfelt prayers.Amen. Med week after Vocem Jucunditatis (29 Mai) 1538. ECFG"s humble Mart.Luther
P.S> Also whether the other Estates ,ECFG's relatives (ECFG not requesting) want to be drawn in; may ECFG permit the same to happen with the obligation that they do not thereby be separated from ECFG and forsake ECFG although my thoughts differ much that that should happen as they likely think. Yet God will do everything that he himself will not be brought to harm and will yet have have glory over the devil,Amen
G.(race(u.(F).(peace) in Christ, our LOrd and Savior. Illustrious, high-born Prince, most gracious Lord! Upon ECFG's command, as D.Brueck related, on the efforts against the Turks etc., that ECFG desires my thoughts, these are my thoughts. Because Germany is full of blood-shed and blasphemy which against conscience and known truth exalts and rages, it is impossible (else differently God lives and rules) that it should without great punishment escape and God in the beginning of the reign of King Ferdinand such dissoulute and unfortunate events in both regiment and essence continue to permit; on account of that there is no hope but pure concern, yes, certainly much unhappiness is imminent. If it is now true that the Turk with great power is coming I think that the punishment stick (divine?) is bound against one cannot defend: therefore I commend everything to God and with prayer, what may happen or be decided, to be dealt with.Then I also think that God will not be happy that ECFG is sought for help by them nor yet peace in such extremities. Now for all, because of this great need, not only Ferdninand and our other enemies must suffer but also many pious,loyal people in our fatherland: so I think (insofar as ECFG is asking and seeking) ECFG be for the helping and consolation of the poor dwellings (not for the Tyrants) justly and with good conscience, and also not be responsible so that afterward the conscience must sigh and with the occurring damage accuse yourself and say: why did you not protect the poor with help when you knew well and did not hinder the well-known the slight matter of the tyrannts?Then whether we should be concerned that the Turks,our opponents, will strike( which to me is unbelievable) that they may turn the spear against us; we know that it cannot be done since the majority is not following , as happened before also, and the Turks had to withdraw from Vienna and yet nothing was undertaken against us. And whether there is concern that they might do such as they would like to do there is nothing about such an uncertain play nothing to do that would be offensive and dangerous thereafter to our conscience.It rests in God's hand, not in our will, what they do to us or what we must suffer as we have previously learned.;and it has and will not help us whether we firmly or strongly are against them ( yes, that should well be the first failing); so we are not thereby forsaken or lost whether we are weak or despised as it yet so stands today.Also whether ECFG is not requested to help, (which would be a horrible sign of pride and presumption and very advantageous to the Turks), so I think also that ECFG might likewise let happen that other Princes and Estates might change and cooperate to save the Fatherland and poor people.Necessity (necessitas) has no law (legem) and where there is need there ceases everything which covenant,law or contract is called since need goes over everything else: although I have great concern about such harmful perfidy which is used for division so that also ours would be offered on the slaughter bank (if God does not perform a miracle and the Jehoshaphat preserved by the army of Achab).Yet we must with our brothers good and evil bear as good comrades, as husband and wife, as father and children venture together and endure the sweet and sauer; God will likewise know how to find His own in death. Such are theological thoughts which in such high matters cannot be the Counselor, because I do know the circcumstances and of the people and matter but by God's grace brought in in darkness traveling and counseling as I would want to do (whether it is said of me further) well. Christ ,our dear LOrd,would ECFG, as he further looks into such high matters, give wisdom and direction; for the same we faithfully pray as we should; for the same I commend ECFG my heartfelt prayers.Amen. Med week after Vocem Jucunditatis (29 Mai) 1538. ECFG"s humble Mart.Luther
P.S> Also whether the other Estates ,ECFG's relatives (ECFG not requesting) want to be drawn in; may ECFG permit the same to happen with the obligation that they do not thereby be separated from ECFG and forsake ECFG although my thoughts differ much that that should happen as they likely think. Yet God will do everything that he himself will not be brought to harm and will yet have have glory over the devil,Amen
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
#2437-To Justus Jonas
Grace and peace in Christ! I plead with you, my dear Jonas, that you answer as soon as possible in what part of the world you are staying since I dreamed that you were likely in Dessau, yet on the fourth-which I also had a sure dream-mile-stone; so missent were the letters sent at that time. Since that which I today have received I believe that I sufficiently answered as once also previously happened; I do not know whom to blame except prehaps on the forests that lie between. Now I answer again ( if you receive this answer before you go elsewhere) that I am ready to meet the worthy Prince at the place and day they desire.I believe, you understand if the letter is received.
Here many and great things are said of the Turks all of which everything likely will be shown to be false and that this expedition under the imagined name of Turks against the Lutherans is on the way. Yet, meanwhile we have no basis that we should have believed or that we yet should believe. Christ may soon be coming,Amen. Be it well with you in the LOrd. on the Friday after Cantate (24 Mai) 1538. Your Martin Luther.
Here many and great things are said of the Turks all of which everything likely will be shown to be false and that this expedition under the imagined name of Turks against the Lutherans is on the way. Yet, meanwhile we have no basis that we should have believed or that we yet should believe. Christ may soon be coming,Amen. Be it well with you in the LOrd. on the Friday after Cantate (24 Mai) 1538. Your Martin Luther.
Monday, October 29, 2012
#2438-A Recommendation Writing
Grace and peace in the LOrd all pious Christians and Friends! This good man, Mr. Franciscum who comes to Germany from a foreign land I am requesting that each whom he visits would be commendable to them and they helpful.
We here at Wittenberg are nearly overwhelmed with more than our poverty is capable of by many made regugees but otherwise good people who want to be students seeking help and not so those of great reputation having but also those who are nearby neighbors who would be daily spared from burdens could receive help and support.Who knows how God would support and bless us and also what He would make out of such people.
There were among Israel also many foreigners who were better than many among Israel like he of the ten lepers in Luke 17 and the Centurion in Capernaum. Therefore we must consider such to be beneficial to Christ ,without regard, that at times they be from a lost people and evil people whom the pious would not be benefited. .
One does what his conscience holds. Herewith be commended to God,Amen. Friday after Cantate (24 Mai)Anno 1538. D. Mart.Luther.
Nota: Some editions say M.Franciscum was a Mohr. We stayed at the Drei Mohr Hotel in Augsburg years ago. Maybe Franciscum's entrepeneur descendants?
We here at Wittenberg are nearly overwhelmed with more than our poverty is capable of by many made regugees but otherwise good people who want to be students seeking help and not so those of great reputation having but also those who are nearby neighbors who would be daily spared from burdens could receive help and support.Who knows how God would support and bless us and also what He would make out of such people.
There were among Israel also many foreigners who were better than many among Israel like he of the ten lepers in Luke 17 and the Centurion in Capernaum. Therefore we must consider such to be beneficial to Christ ,without regard, that at times they be from a lost people and evil people whom the pious would not be benefited. .
One does what his conscience holds. Herewith be commended to God,Amen. Friday after Cantate (24 Mai)Anno 1538. D. Mart.Luther.
Nota: Some editions say M.Franciscum was a Mohr. We stayed at the Drei Mohr Hotel in Augsburg years ago. Maybe Franciscum's entrepeneur descendants?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
#2432-To Edward Fox,Bishop Herefordshire
To the honorable Father in Christ,Herr Edward, Bishop in Hereford (Erfordiensi) in England,in the LOrd his highly respected superior.
Grace and peace in Christ our LOrd! Since these men, our Friends and the envoys of the Prince are being sent on a journey to your illustrious King I have not neglected to write a letter to you lest,I fear, I would appear to be reproached as man ungrateful and unfeeling to the highest degree. Since when you here a very lovely relationship cultivated and to me also a rich kindness have shown and with that provided counsel against my enemy, the stone, there is no situation in which I will forget you.Often it is said of you,mainly because you are so strategically situated in your kingdom either writing to us no letters ,or the written were intercepted those which would have stilled our anxiety. Now we are in uncertainty and actually fear that it may be the persistent silence is a sign that likely a very sad misfortune has occurred about the Gospel.And there are people who think that your King is finally ensnared by the Roman vengeance and again with the Pope go into a new undertaking. Here we pray that with our wish and fear that Satan will be crushed under your feet. We also are certain how or in what way you are dealing with the Gospel. We hope that through the delegation when they return will give a happy report about the Gospel in your English church.How it stands with the church and the communions in our Germany you will also learn from the delegation richly and completely. The LOrd Jesus Christ increase in you and us equally His grace and gifts to the glory of God the Father,Amen. My Kaethe respectfully greets you ,honorable Herr. In Christ may it be well with your worthiness and may I be commended to you. On 12 Mai Anno 1538. Your worthiness' devoted Martin Luther.
N.B. Henry VIII in 1536 sent a delegation to Wittenberg to work out some of the Articles of Faith agreed upon. Twelve articles were then discussed in England without much agreement. Luther's Prince sent, at the time of this letter Chancellor Burkhard and Myconicus et al to London to continue the discussions. ML admired Bishop Fox except on the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon. Not much came of the discussions as it is thought that the Church of England was more inclined toward fellowship with the Greek Orthodox. So that's a brief rendeition of what was finally to come about as ML feared. Bishop Fox died four days before this letter was written.
Grace and peace in Christ our LOrd! Since these men, our Friends and the envoys of the Prince are being sent on a journey to your illustrious King I have not neglected to write a letter to you lest,I fear, I would appear to be reproached as man ungrateful and unfeeling to the highest degree. Since when you here a very lovely relationship cultivated and to me also a rich kindness have shown and with that provided counsel against my enemy, the stone, there is no situation in which I will forget you.Often it is said of you,mainly because you are so strategically situated in your kingdom either writing to us no letters ,or the written were intercepted those which would have stilled our anxiety. Now we are in uncertainty and actually fear that it may be the persistent silence is a sign that likely a very sad misfortune has occurred about the Gospel.And there are people who think that your King is finally ensnared by the Roman vengeance and again with the Pope go into a new undertaking. Here we pray that with our wish and fear that Satan will be crushed under your feet. We also are certain how or in what way you are dealing with the Gospel. We hope that through the delegation when they return will give a happy report about the Gospel in your English church.How it stands with the church and the communions in our Germany you will also learn from the delegation richly and completely. The LOrd Jesus Christ increase in you and us equally His grace and gifts to the glory of God the Father,Amen. My Kaethe respectfully greets you ,honorable Herr. In Christ may it be well with your worthiness and may I be commended to you. On 12 Mai Anno 1538. Your worthiness' devoted Martin Luther.
N.B. Henry VIII in 1536 sent a delegation to Wittenberg to work out some of the Articles of Faith agreed upon. Twelve articles were then discussed in England without much agreement. Luther's Prince sent, at the time of this letter Chancellor Burkhard and Myconicus et al to London to continue the discussions. ML admired Bishop Fox except on the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon. Not much came of the discussions as it is thought that the Church of England was more inclined toward fellowship with the Greek Orthodox. So that's a brief rendeition of what was finally to come about as ML feared. Bishop Fox died four days before this letter was written.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
#2430-To Sebastian Heller,Ausbachischen Chancellor
To the highly placed man, Herr Sebastian Heller,Doctor of law, and Chancellor of the Prince,Markgraf George.Grace and peace in Christ! I request something has reached your illustrious Prince or someone at the Court that I had despised the rich gift of Frankenwein (you would excuse me) . I admit my guilt and am aware that I uttered words that when this gift came it appeared to me (that it was not of much worth) for the reason that it was Frankenwein which with us has a bad reputation either because the seller or those who transport it almost no genuine or wholesome wine had been delivered to us. Yews, I would have wished that not a drop of Frankenwein had been presented to me because I was certain that this drink would not delight me. If something of that sort was related about me I request that, as much as you can, kindly pardon me. Likely it was related all too truly (narrabunt) such things were told (narrant), however I am the greatest fool (narrator) by far and have become a gross fool (narrus) in that I did not know that you Franks enjoy such a good wine and that in different areas of Franconia have such wine. So it came that after I tasted it and tried it for several days I have sung a recantation and sing it yet. Never have I drank wine which was so suitable and wholesome to my body than this distillation of this year of which I held as especially suspicious. Now I have because of that despised every wine and on this one am refreshed. I write this so that you my ingratitude which I condemn by this letter and am ashamed of you would kindly pardon; that I request very much.Beyond that I would that others who are hostile to Frankenwein should not believe everything until they first have by experience learned how it is constituted and have not based it before drinking it. Be it well with you in the LOrd and greet all of yours and especially commend me to your illustrious Prince and say to your illustrious thanks in my name after you have pardoned my ingratitude.Wittenberg on 12 Mai Anno 1538.Your Martin Luther.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
#2429-To Duke Albrecht of Prussia
Grace and peace in Christ and my poor Vater-Unser. Illustrious,high-born Prince, gracious Lord! may I write to EFG about Hans von Bora, my brother-in-law who previously served EFG in Muemel (Memel). After he had gone away at length to stay because of his little land-grant and that he was also moved to marry, until he had cultivated the same, yet nevertheless yet never gave up desiring to serve EFG but at all times with the greatest praise and wished always willing to serve: request therefore EFG would the delay which was necessary to strengthen his brother's land-grant may it not to be understood in any way as an intentional ingratitude or regarded as an unwillingness to serve EFG. I can witness to the same truly that he at all times highly regards EFG very much and regard as a dear Lord above all others.
Whether now, EFG (after he for his little child the land-grant and poor cottage or little house cares for and and gets it well settled) may further use his service, he requests to do with all loyalty and energy to serve and desires EFG to be his gracious Prince and Lord. Therefore it is my humble request that he would be graciously commended to EFG and be regarded favorably; that would be regarded as a pleasing good work before God. So much I poor Christian this before God do with my poor request to EFG as I am responsible to do and obligated to help other poor Christians.
News of the Turks I think that EFG knows more than we. The King (Ferdinand) is not happy that the Emperor is back in Spain; some think he is angry that the Pope has dismissed the Council infamously abhors,fears,dreads and fleas. This is nothing other than rogues and boobs.; yet God has begun to visit them and will not relent but press forward to make them more fools in their wisdom.
With the Swiss who previously were not united with us regarding the Sacrament it has gone a long way; God help it further; since Basel, Strassburg,Augsburg and Bern together with more others stand very close to us; thus we regard it as very friendly so that I hope God will bring it the offense to an end not for our sake which we do not deserve but for the sake of His Name and to vex the horror in Rome; such news will be shocking very much and they will be very much fearful that they have also so terribly shunned the Council. Herewith be commended to God, Amen. Monday after Phillip and James (6 Mai) 1538. EFG's willing Martinus LutherR.
Whether now, EFG (after he for his little child the land-grant and poor cottage or little house cares for and and gets it well settled) may further use his service, he requests to do with all loyalty and energy to serve and desires EFG to be his gracious Prince and Lord. Therefore it is my humble request that he would be graciously commended to EFG and be regarded favorably; that would be regarded as a pleasing good work before God. So much I poor Christian this before God do with my poor request to EFG as I am responsible to do and obligated to help other poor Christians.
News of the Turks I think that EFG knows more than we. The King (Ferdinand) is not happy that the Emperor is back in Spain; some think he is angry that the Pope has dismissed the Council infamously abhors,fears,dreads and fleas. This is nothing other than rogues and boobs.; yet God has begun to visit them and will not relent but press forward to make them more fools in their wisdom.
With the Swiss who previously were not united with us regarding the Sacrament it has gone a long way; God help it further; since Basel, Strassburg,Augsburg and Bern together with more others stand very close to us; thus we regard it as very friendly so that I hope God will bring it the offense to an end not for our sake which we do not deserve but for the sake of His Name and to vex the horror in Rome; such news will be shocking very much and they will be very much fearful that they have also so terribly shunned the Council. Herewith be commended to God, Amen. Monday after Phillip and James (6 Mai) 1538. EFG's willing Martinus LutherR.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
To Ambrosius Berndt
Grace and Peace! I am not so inhuman, my dear Ambrosius, that I do not know how much the death of Margatetha grieves you.The attraction of the husband to his wife is so great that it is not easily removed from the hearts and God is not displeased that this attraction is so great if it is only to the extent which He has implanted it. And I would not think of you as a man, not to say for a good man, if you could immediately remove this sorrow from your heart. Yet, my dear Ambrosius, I would let this sorrow go but not contrary to the will of God.It is necessary that this sorrow has a measure. Thereto it is for you to contemplate: first: that there is misery in this world, as you have been separated from yourself a wife and a son; nothing more bitter can befall you as a man, especially you have had such a wife with not only the customary gifts which were according to all you wanted, but also disciplined and favored with the best customs with the greatest and best that satisfied your heart and moved not a little. And I know that for this reason you grieve all the more because she was meek and very agreeable to your manner. However you must consider this that in this death are the most blessed of men, that is, in her blessed duty and calling has died with steadfast courage in child-birth with constant courage and in firm trust to Christ whom she frequently, as she in death lie, confessed that she only on Christ called and committed everything and all to God.Thereto, came an extraordinary wonder that so graciously sustained by God bore to you a son Johann who was baptized and buried together with his mother. These two things should be earnestly weighed by you and weigh the physical goods with the spiritual and absolutely determine that the spiritual gifts are greater than the physical. Herein be you steadfast and temper your sorrow as much as you can.Be comforted with the Word of God, the excellent consolation,and learn also to give God great thanks for the spiritual gifts which your wife demonstrated to you as we pray to our Father at the same we all may die in the same faith.Your Mart.Luther.
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